Family. Sushi. And 26.

It's been almost two full years since I've seen this beautiful face:

Sorry, Jordan, but I'm not talking about you.

Last time I was able to spend time with my dear sister-in-law, I was six months pregnant with Georgia.  Now, here I am, pregnant with little lentil.  Isn't it amazing how quickly life passes? Here we are on our last visit down south, in the summer of '10:

Does anyone recognize that dress?  It's my repeat Easter dress - which I also rock at weddings.  I'm so stylish! By the way, I just got my hair cut exactly like this again.  See?

Forgive the wide over-zealous smile.  This was way past my bed time and I was over compensating.

I digress.

Well, much to my excitement, I get to spend the next week with my wonderful family-in-law: Gary (Stuart's Dad), Virginia (Stu's sister), and Daniel (Stu's cousin) are all flying up from Atlanta.  Oh, and of course Jeremy:

(You remember J-Money, right?).  I'm thinking it may have been a bad idea to put this photo on here.  I'll let you decide.  Bah ha.

Eh, what the heck.  It's Friday.  Here's another:

I.  Am.  So.  Excited.

Originally, the fam planned a trip out here to finally meet Georgia.  Two weeks after the booked their flight from Atlanta, we accepted the job in Alabama.  Whoops.  Would've been much cheaper to wait three weeks till we were down there, but such is life.  I am just so happy they are going to be here.

Have I mentioned I'm excited?

And the cherry on top is that Sunday is my 26th birthday!  That's right people, I'm old.  Life is almost over.  It's almost time to stick me out to pasture and let me roam my last few days in the sunshine.

I kid.  I kid.  26 ain't nothin', man.  Except for a great excuse to try out a new sushi restaurant.  

The clan should arrive Saturday afternoon - I very much look forward to a week of fellowship and fun together.  I know they can hardly wait to get their arms around that little G-baby.

Plus, the good news is I have three captive slaves to help me pack up our house.  Muah ha ha.

You think I'm kidding?!

What are YOUR weekend plans?  Do they involve sushi?  Can I come?


Cheese fondue.


For the love of eggs.