Momma love.

Mother's Day is interesting, once you become a Mom to your own children.

You start seeing things in a new light.

"So this is what Mom feels..."  A love that you can't quite comprehend until you understand what it's like to be a Mother yourself.

After a wonderful morning at Church yesterday and a delicious afternoon spent with my husband and sweet little G-baby (did I mention it included an Oreo blizzard?), we make the fifteen minute drive up to my parents house to say Happy Mothers Day! in person.

After a few hours spent on the porch in the sunshine talking about the gardens and the presence of alligators in Alabama, we headed back inside for some water.

Feeling sick and ya know, pregnant, I stared at the refrigerator.  What did I feel like eating?  Was I hungry?  Was I going to vomit?  Did I need to lay down?  I didn't know.

Whatcha need, darling?, my Mom asked.

I don't know.  I'm just having a moment.  I don't know what's wrong with me, I replied as I leaned my head against the side of the fridge.

Sit down.  I'll fix you something.

I sat and yapped my Mom's ear off about packing and tomato plants.  Diapers and desks.  Emotions and the physical changes of pregnancy.  All the while, she prepared a meal for me - just for me - and yapped right back.

Ten minutes later, she served up a black bean burger (no bun) with fresh spinach, peppers, and avocado.  Oh, and a bowl of strawberries, bananas, toasted almonds, and honey.

Thank you, Lord.  And Mom.  I swear, that meal saved my life.  It was one of those soul nourishing meals - you know the kind I mean?

How is it that Moms just know these things?  They know what we need, often before we do.  They know how to heal our hurts, even when we don't.  They know how to love us in a way that is so genuine - so real.

It's just the way a Momma works, I suppose.

And now that I only have a short month left in driving distance of my Mom, I'm really starting to appreciate this time spent together in a way I hadn't before.  Because in a few short weeks, there won't be a Mom there to know what I need before I do.  Or cook me wonderful pregnancy meals.  Or let me sit at her counter for hours talking about all the troubles on my heart.

That's real Momma love.  And I'm so blessed to have it.

And since yesterday was my first Mothers Day as a Momma of two (so what if one of them is only the size of a large olive!), I was able to enjoy this Momma love all the more.

Oh a less serious note, I got quite the compliment yesterday.  Stuart told me he was glad I was his baby mama.  

Such a romantic, that one.

Here's to hoping you have an overflowing supply of Momma love in your life!  There just nothing better.


Trenching tomatoes. And friends.


That's good stuff, Maynard.