The madness.

Because you all rock so hard and have been faithfully reading and praying for our family during this 'moving-madness' (as I will now affectionately refer to it), I thought I'd give you a glimpse into how things are playing out for us.

It's been wonderful to see how the Lord has made our path straight and has been so faithful in providing for us through all the details.  It's the best reassurance there is that we're right where He'll have us.

Rundown 1.  So for starters, as I told you yesterday, we have some dear friends of ours that will be renting our house.  I can't tell you how happy this makes me.  Live on, my dear gardens.

Rundown 2.  We found a house to rent!  As the Lord would have it, I stumbled across an ad for a home in the local Fairhope newspaper.  There were no pictures, but after a quick phone call with the landlord, I knew it was a house we'd need to look into.  Again, the Lord was faithful in providing us with a wonderful contact in Fairhope (Hey Meredith!) that was more than willing to meet the landlord and walk through the home for us.  I can't even tell you how wonderful it feels to just know somebody's name down there.  I love her already and I've never even met her.

Anyway, the house is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath old cottage.  The hardwood floors are worn, and it needs a little TLC, but the price was right and it is only 1.5 miles from the school where Stu will be teaching.  Which is good because...

Rundown 3.  We sold Stu's truck.  So he no longer has a car.  We're hoping we can get by with one for awhile, as he'll be within biking distance (or a quick lift from me) of the school.  This will help us save on gas, insurance, and maintenance.  Again, the Lord was incredibly faithful in helping us with this task.  We didn't have to advertise it or anything - it just fell into our lap and worked out wonderfully.  I am very thankful this wasn't a headache for us.

Rundown 4.  My brother-in-law Jeremy was able to get time off from playing music to join Stuart in the drive to Alabama.  Which means I don't have to ride 2,700 miles in a U-Haul, pregnant, and with Georgia.  Hallelujah!  I.  Am.  Rejoicing.  Because we were then able to downsize to the smaller truck (since we only needed two seats now), even with buying a plane ticket for me and G, we were still able to save over $700.

Plus, I think it'll be wonderful for them to have the time together.

Plus, boys can not shower for 4 days and it's no big deal.

Plus, they can camp on the ground and not have to worry about things like Pak-n-Plays.

Plus, I'm pretty sure they can usually hold their urine longer than most females (especially pregnant ones), which I'm sure will make driving easier.  I'm assuming, anyway.

Rundown 5.  I convinced Stuart that they should head out on the road a day earlier than originally planned.  I lay awake in bed one night with this horrible image of landing in Mobile with a grumpy baby, only to find out they were still a days drive away.  That would be horrible.  Horrible, I tell you!  I'm going to be so sad and emotionally drained when I arrive, the only thing I'll want is my husband's arms around me.  So he better be there.  Every single day I make him promise he'll make it to Alabama by the time we arrive.

He assures me he will.

He better be.

Rundown 6.  My good friend, Natali, volunteered to host a cleaning party at our current house once we're all packed and outta here.  Thank you, Jesus.  And Natali.  I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people who are actively seeking out ways to bless our family during this time.  What a help that's going to be!  By the end of this, I may or may not still be alive.  Only time will tell.

Rundown 7.  I learned that the first week we'll be in Fairhope is the opening of brown shrimp season.  Booya.  A low-country-boil is on the to-do list before Jeremy flys back to Washington.  Here's a photograph of the culinary adventure that awaits us:

Rundown 8.  I'm hungry.  For shrimp.  It is now time to quit typing and eat something.  Priorities, baby.  

Thank you all for your continued prayers!  The support we've received from our readers is such a blessing.

It's helping make the 'moving-madness' not quite as 'mad'.


For the love of eggs.


Trenching tomatoes. And friends.