Planes, snacks, and clean underwear.

By the time this post is published, Stuart and Jeremy will have (hopefully) left Billings, Montana to begin their second day of the 2,700 mile journey to Alabama.

Not only do they have the 17 foot moving truck to account for, but they also have the trailer with our X-Terra loaded on it.

Did I mention the dogs are inside the car?

And today, they have to make it to Kansas.  Kansas, people.

It was a whirlwind just getting them out of the house with all of our things.  Literally, every inch of the moving truck is filled - okay, I'll admit, I wouldn't give up on moving at least two of our trash-can-potatoes down.  Even though it too extra maneuvering and the sacrifice of a few other things, I'm happy to report that two of the garbage cans will be making the move to Alabama.  Will they survive four days without sunshine?  I have no idea.  But it was worth a shot.

On a different note, they also took my beloved D70 with them on the journey and thus, I feel quite handicapped with regards to blogging this week.

In fact, not only do I not have my camera - but currently, all I have in my possession is this:

1.  Two cotton sundresses for traveling (#2 is in case #1 gets something nasty on it during the flight)

2.  A makeup bag (because even with traveling, girl has her standards)

3.  Clean underwear (see reason on #2 above)

4.  A backpack for the flight, which includes:
 - Three sets of clothes for Georgia
 - Diapers and wipes
 - An empty water bottle and sippy cup
 - Traveling DVD player & movies
 - Crayons & paper
 - Mini magnadoodle
 - G's favorite books
 - Special snacks

And that's it.  That's all I got in the whole world right now.  The rest is somewhere in Colorado.  Lord willing.

I must admit, I'm feeling a little anxious about the plane ride.  I've read the importance of having something the kiddo can suck through to help pop their ears upon takeoff (thus the sippy cup).  Have any of you had any experience with another tactic that worked well?

The mini magnadoodle is already a hit (thought I've had to hide it until the plane ride to help keep the new-toy-enthusiasm up).  The best part is that it doesn't get messy.  And she can't write with the pen anywhere but on the pad. 

Perfect for a toddler who has limited motorskills and self control.

Another tip I found for the plane ride was to include a lot of 'special' snacks.  Also - clean ones that are easy to whip out and wipe up.  And though I have a few more days to prepare the snacks, I'm thinking some homemade fruit leathers would be a big hit.  As would homemade popcorn, homemade candies, cheese sticks, and raisins.  Georgia loves raisins.

And for Mama?  Well, I'm packing sandwiches, veggies, fruit, homemade trail mix, and a giant empty water bottle to fill up once we get there.  Have you ever noticed how much traveling dehydrates you?  I'm hoping to avoid this at all costs.  I'll also be packing some homemade breakfast sandwiches for us once we arrive at the airport, because we'll be leaving the house so early. 

How early?  2:30 a.m.  That's how early.

I tend to over pack on food.  I have this fear of running out and not being able to get any more.  Like on one of those horrible survival shows.  Because, you see, when you're pregnant, one minute you're okay...and the next you're curled up in fetal position on the floor begging someone to bring you a croissant.

So I'd rather pack my own croissant and avoid that whole scene all together.

Because people in airports tend to look at you funny when you're curled in fetal position on the floor.  Especially when there is a toddler standing next to you waiting for a croissant as well.

So here's my traveling game plan:
 - Keep the entertainment for G rollin'
 - Only take the backpack, for easy transport
 - Pack lots of goodies to avoid the low-blood-sugar weak, angry Mama and the grouchy baby
 - Drink lots and lots of water
 - At some point, purchase an Earl Grey Tea Latte

Priorities, people.  It's all about priorities.

What are YOUR toddler travel tips?


And then....


The state of things.