Three cheers, my friends.

Whew.  Talk about an emotional weekend.  Not only did Stuart graduate from college, and not only did we attend our last service at Trinity Church, but we also had a wonderful brunch in which we said our final goodbyes to many of our family members.

Did I mention we also had a killer graduation party for Stuart at a local brewery? 

It involved pool, pizza, and dancing the newly invented 'shrimping' dance, in which I very stylishly pretend to throw a net into the great Mobile Bay, all the while shakin and groovin to the tune (in this case, it was Jackson by June and Johnny Cash).

Would you believe I danced this jig while completely sober?  

Believe it, baby.  Though I have to thank Tye for getting the dance party started.  Here she is:

Because I couldn't enjoy the local brew along with the rest of the clan, I opted instead to bring my pregnant cousin and I fruit smoothies and home brewed kombucha.  It wasn't quite the same as a delicious pint, but it was delicious none the less.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.   Let's take it back to Saturday morning. Stuart's graduation.

I was so proud.  What a great moment this was! Stuart and I have been struggling to get him through school since we first began dating and here we are!   It's over!  It was mighty tough to make it this far, but God faithfully provided for us day after day along this journey. Never once were we left without.

What a faithful Lord we serve.

Seeing him up there brought tears to my eyes.  And this is what happens when you try and manually focus your camera when your eyes are full of tears.  I often get emotional when stages of our life end, even though I eagerly anticipate the next one. It's always hard to see something end so that something else can begin.

In fact, this is super embarrassing to admit, but I have a half used bottle of shampoo in my shower that I just can't seem to get myself to throw away. You see, it was the shampoo that I used I while pregnant with Georgia, and when I smell it, it instantly takes me back to those wonderful last few months. Im just not quite ready to let that go yet. I love remembering that time!

I know. It's weird. But letting go can be hard.

All that to say, I'm sure it won't take me too long to get over having to say goodbye to this school stage of our lives. It is a big change, albeit a welcomed one.

After all, now that Stuart has a full time teaching job, I get to begin my new stage of being a full time Mommy. How exciting is that! We've been praying for this opportunity for awhile now, and I am so thankful the Lord has chosen this path for us. Especially with the new little one on the way!

There is so much to say goodbye to over this next week. Soon though, there will be lots to say hello to as well.

At the moment, among many a tear being shed, I can only be humbled and grateful for all the blessings that the Lord has surrounded us with. Overall, I'm learning to be more thankful for each breath, each opportunity, and each ounce of love that is gifted to me from our heavenly Father.

So three cheers, my friends.

Cheers to graduation!

Cheers to a wonderful Church family that's helped build us in the faith.

And cheers to an irreplaceable family I'll miss like crazy!


Orange Gazpacho with Cumin Shrimp & Avocado.


The Number One Superfood. Whether you like it, or not.