Those faces.

I've had a few rough days these past few weeks.  Sometimes I just miss seeing familiar faces.  Faces that know me and love me.  You know.  Those kind of faces.  Like a Mama face.  And a sister face.  And a Dad face.  And a friend face.  And a fellow-church-member face.

Ya.  I miss those faces.

I've only seen a few faces here more than once or twice, and as eager as I am to establish new friendships with them all, these things just take time.  It took time to establish relationships in our old town, and it will surely take time to establish them here.

This past Saturday, we were able to break through the familiar-face-rut and drive a few hours northwest to visit Stuart's best friend and his dear wife.  They live in Mississippi, which isn't too far for a quick overnight visit.

Arriving was like a breath of fresh air (if the fresh air you breath is ninety million degrees and humid).  But seriously, getting to see their dear faces - faces that we know well - was such an ease on my heart.

We laughed.  We drank London fogs.  No one looked their cell phone for thirty six hours.  No televisions or movies were involved.  We sat, we talked, we pondered life, and we enjoyed each other's company.  It was fantastic.

We also drove out of town a little ways to a small pond, where the men were able to catch us four large catfish for dinner.  Even though it was raining, the dogs had a blast swimming in the water, and Lauren and I had a blast eating gummy worms hunkered in the back of my X-Terra, where we could open the back hatch to enjoy the serene view.

After the catch, we headed back to their wonderful Southern home where Alex prepared us...

....are you ready for this?

...fried catfish.
...fresh pink eyed peas.
...homemade skillet cornbread (I smothered mine in honey).
...creamy, buttered mashed potatoes.
...fried okra.
...and honey-sweetened tea with minute.

Am I forgetting anything?  Ah yes, the delicious banana pudding we had for dessert.

It.  Was.  Fantastic.  A pregnant woman's dream.  

There is something so special about having people who care for you not only open their home to your dogs and toddler, but also prepare you such a wonderful meal.   A meal prepared with love.  A meal prepared with friendship.

I tell you this for two reasons:
1.  It helps me realize I need to be accountable for providing this same love and comfort to others, and...
2.  It may help you to realize how much it can mean to others.  Your face matters.

Sure, it's just a meal.  But it's more than that.

It's opening your home and sharing in fellowship.  It's encouraging and soul-reviving.  It's God's hands at work through his people. 

I am thankful the Lord has provided us with friends in driving distance.  Seeing those sweet faces - what an encouragement.

This face doesn't hurt the cause, either.  So thankful for this little ones cheery face.

And, by the way, I can't believe I haven't told you this.  G-love has successfully pooped in the toilet FOUR TIMES!  And pottied in there once!  Whoop whoop!

Alright.  Well, it was exciting for me.  

Maybe I should learn to refrain from sharing so much.

Have a wonderful Thursday, my friends!


The opportunity of a VBAC.


Puttin' up corn.