Why I'm here.

Oh friends.  How thankful I am for you all.  Truthfully, I want to offer my sincere thanks for all of you out there who I know have been lifting our family up in prayer during this transitional period.  I have been completely and utterly sustained by God's grace these past weeks, and no doubt, I have received an extra measure of that grace due to your diligent prayers.  

I've felt this grace more in the past week than I ever thought possible.  Isn't it amazing how faithful the Lord is during our struggles?

I have been extremely blessed by fellowship this last week while Stuart was gone in Maryland - and despite the fact that on Monday I was an emotional train-wreck (seriously, it was ugly), I awoke to a refreshed and rejuvenated spirit Tuesday morning after much prayer.  Each day as I leaned on Him more and my own strength less, I found myself more able to deal with the difficulties that arise from uprooting.

I was able to share in multiple conversations and treats with a new found friend who is very much in my same situation.  I was also able to schedule play dates for Georgia with a sweet little family just up the road (who also attend our new church) and we were able to savor sweet conversation and fellowship.  There was lots of long phone conversations with my Mom and Dad, who further encouraged and uplifted me a midst the circumstances.  And also a wonderful and extended conversation with one of my dearest friends and cousin, who has also experienced many of the same emotions I feel currently being so far away from home.  After Stuart returned from Maryland (hallelujah!), we went up to the school where he will be teaching to assist in a 'work-day' with many of the other teachers, kids, and parents - which allowed me to become familiar with many of the families who attend BCS and further build relationships with those whom I've met.  On top of it all, we were invited to go sailing by an elder in our church and spent yesterday afternoon racing around Mobile Bay (more on that to follow later this week). 

You may notice a trend.  

This past week, God has used you, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and family to work His purpose and peace among our family.  It's the community.  It's fellowship.  It's relationships.  It's all about the people; it's not about the place.

Along that same thought, I heard a quote this week that went something along the lines of 'the cure for loneliness is to serve and love others'.  'Ell I be.

And all this time I thought it was about me.

It isn't about where we are.  It's about glorifying God and serving others wherever we are.

Getting further involved at the school, at our new church, and in the community has opened up an entirely new perspective for me about our present situation.  It's not about my comfort - in fact, big changes can often present quite uncomfortable circumstances.  It is about working as the Lord's hands and feet in whatever situation we may find ourselves and in our new situation (2,600 miles from home), we have been presented wonderful opportunities to love and serve others as Christ's flock.

Sure, we've had to temporarily part with so many things we loved back home.  But didn't Christ also have to sacrifice?  Perhaps instead of praying "Lord give me strength, I need your help!" I should have been praying "Lord, show me what work you have designed for me here."

This past Sunday, our Pastor preached on using whatever spiritual gift it is the Lord gave you to His glory and for His purpose.  It's okay if it's little.  It's okay if it's not grand.  Not all of us are called to be game-changers like Martin Luther, however, we are all called to be faithful with the gift the Lord has given us.

I began to really think about my spiritual gifts.  What are they?

I'm still working on the answer to that, honestly.  But I do know that (as small of a 'spiritual gift' as it may seem), cooking and opening our home for hospitality has been a wonderful way to bless others in the past.  I anticipate that this is a gift that can also be used here to serve and bless others.

Serving in the church.  Serving the community.  Serving the school and Stuart's students.  Serving friends and fellow church members.  Serving my husband and family faithfully.  

Learning to serve others, dare I say, is why I am here.  

Needless to say, I truly do appreciate you, readers.  I appreciate every wonderful comment and prayer said on our behalf.  If I could have each one of you over for dinner and conversation, I would.  

I just want you to know that God is good, even in the middle of our seemingly impossible trials...

and I love ya.

And by the way, I sat down to write this post about a whole-food, super-pregnancy-craving, delicious peanut brittle I made.  And this is what came out.

I'll share on the peanut brittle tomorrow.  Whoops.


Whole-Food Peanut Brittle. In July.


Almost Amish. Your thoughts?