'Ol Isaac.

I'm trying not be overwhelmed.

Ah, fine, I'll admit it - I'm totally overwhelmed.

Ummm....have any of you heard about this teensy-weensy little thing called HURRICANE ISAAC?!

Well, that wonderful tropical storm is headed our way.  And if I've never been humbled before by a natural disaster, I'm beginning to think I will be.  Already the trees are beginning to sway and a heavy breeze is in the air.  If you've ever been in the stagnant heat of the deep south in the middle of summer, you know a heavy breeze is a rarity - thus pointing to the fact that something is definitely brewing out there on the horizon...

Here in lies the problem: I've never been through a hurricane before. In fact, I've never been through any sort of a heavy weather system before.  The valley I grew up in had it's share of thunder storms or wind storms, but nothing like a hurricane, or a tornado, or the like.

I should bottle and freeze more water.  Gather non-perishable food.  Fill the bath tub so we can continue to flush the toilet.  Wash all the laundry.  Shut off the pilot light to the water heater and stove.  Bring in all the furniture from outside.  Board up the windows.  Protect and pack our valuable papers.

You know, important stuff.

But I sit here in my lazy-boy, pondering instead of doing.

Why, oh why, must you be so self-destructive Shaye!  Go get moving!

Stuart was called out of work for the next three days because of the hurricane and flood warnings.  He is currently brewing my a London Fog.  Somehow, I think the sweet vanilla-infused milk will calm my nerves and settle me down.  If I were James Bond, a good London Fog would be like my martini.  Or if I were Stuart, a good London Fog would be like a dram of peaty Scotch.  It just makes things right with the world. 

Even if there's a giant storm threatening to rip your house apart and then flood it.

A comparison of Hurricane Isaac and Hurricane Katrina

See that red line on the bottom of Alabama?  That's us!

Speaking of milk (hello, London fogs, keep up with me, people...) when we went by the local CSA grocers on Monday, they were giving away free Alabama organic milk!  Seriously!  Free!  They were cleaning out their cooler just-in-case and this milk was on it's way out.  My yogurt and kefir cultures sure don't care if the milk's a day past it's expiration date - I'll take two gallons, please!  What a score!

Sorry.  Back to important matters.

Our current plan is to make it through Monday night at our own house - preparing food, water, and bags before bed.  Tuesday, we'll spend the day and night at the school's Headmasters house.  They live in a nice two-story brick home a few more miles inland, which should keep us plenty safe from Isaac's wrath.  Right now, our house is situated about 200 or 300 yards from the bay...not an ideal place to be.  Couple that with the fact that our house is older and there are a billion trees surrounding us, and friends, you've got one worried Mama.

Please Lord, I really don't want a tree to smash our house.

There's not a lot we can do about the flood danger at this point.  We've just been praying it doesn't get too bad.  I would be very sad if we lost our few possessions to water damage.

Most of the locals aren't worried a bit.  They haven't evacuated since Katrina hit in 2006 and are hardly worried about this little 'ol Isaac.  I must admit, their confidence gives me comfort.

Oh goodness, I just took the first sip of my London Fog.  I can already feel it's magic working.

All that to say readers, I may be down and out for a few days.  I'm praying that we won't loose power for long, but the likely-hood of us loosing it for a few days is high.  Fortunately and unfortunately (for the other towns in Isaac's path) it looks like we'll miss the brunt of the storm, but I'm still wary of what Tuesday and Wednesday will look like here on the Eastern Shore.  

Please keep the town of New Orleans in your prayers, as of right now, it looks like they'll get the worst of it.

Alright.  I really must go and accomplish something.  Like pack a First-Aid kit or something (which by the way, currently only has bandages and Tea Tree Oil).  

First, I think I'll finish my London Fog though.

Priorities, people.

If I never return - I love you all!  


Coconut Chicken Fry. My first dabble into Indian Cuisine.


Homesteading. And homemaking.