Homemade Heartburn Remedy. And the bonuses of pregnancy.

Pregnancy has it's bonuses.

Spider veins and heartburn are not part of those bonuses.

Unfortunately, I've been blessed with both throughout the last few weeks.  More so than I'd desire for myself.  But as I glance down at my blue-streaked legs, I am reminded that, alas, I am no longer twenty and well...chin hairs, spider veins, and saggy boobs are just part of it.

I'm okay with that.

I don't need to be twenty.  I'm pregnant with my second child and that is super rad.

Ya.  I just said super rad.  And I meant it.

Now, there's not too much I can do about the saggy boobs, but there is something I can do about the heartburn/acid-reflux that I'm so often battling as I lay down at night to read Harry Potter for seven hours straight.  Which is why I'm writing you today.

And there you were...thinking I had no purpose to this post...

In the effort of keeping this simple, nature, and cheap, I'd like to share with you my most favorite and effective heartburn home-remedy.  It, literally, works instantly.  I used it while I was pregnant with Georgia too and had the same fantastic results.

It tastes like sour beer.  But it works.  And that is the point.

Homemade Heartburn Remedy

You will need:
 - 1 small glass of water (4 oz. or so)
 - 1-2 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar
 - 1 teaspoon of baking soda

Mix together in a glass.  Plug your nose and chug it down.  I usually refill the glass with water and drink down some plain water before I unplug my nose.

The taste is momentary, but the results are wonderful.  There is nothing that will relieve that uncomfortable pain like it.

So just in case any of you are pregnant and suffering from this same wonderful blessing of pregnancy, I urge you to give it a try.  It really is a God-send.

And speaking of pregnancy....

I have very exciting news!!!!!

I'm pregnant!!

Oh wait.  You already knew that.

But seriously, I do have exciting news.  Yesterday, at our appointment, our OB did a quick ultrasound to see how the baby was positioned in the uterus.  God is so gracious - the baby is head down!

This VBAC may have happen after all!

Yesterday morning, before we knew the position of the baby, Stuart and I were very much at peace with whatever the Lord had planned for us this pregnancy and delivery.  I didn't go through all I did trying to get Georgia to flip in there without learning some lessons, as the Lord would have it, and I knew it was very important that I remembered and applied those learned lessons this time around.  I felt very much at ease with whatever that meant for this delivery.

After all, and hear my when I say this dear readers, our worth as women is not validated by how we give birth.

That being said, I am very excited that (at least for the time being), the baby is in the position it needs to be to have a normal, vaginal delivery this go-round.  What an exciting birth this could be!

I'm sorry for using the word vaginal.  It was necessary.

Guess this means I should start doing some stretches or something...just in case...

Yep.  I'll get right on that.  Right after I finish eating this brownie.

I told you, pregnancy has it's bonuses.  Heartburn isn't one.  Brownies are.

The end.


Georgia Knox turns two.


Roasted Butternut Squash Sauce with Parmesan and Nutmeg.