Homemade Soaked Cream of Wheat. And Treat Yo Self.

I have big plans tonight, my friends.

There are eyebrows to be waxed and plucked.

There are legs to be shaved.

There are toenails to be painted.

It's 'treat-yo-self' night on the homestead. If you're not a Parks and Recreation fan, allow me the pleasure of exposing you to 'Treat Yo Self':


While I wish there were massages and mimosas on the menu tonight, I'll be more than happy with smooth legs and the pleasure of having two eyebrows again.

But before I get busy, I wanted to share with you a simple and delicious recipe for homemade cream of wheat.

Are you a cream of wheat fan?

I loved it growing up.

Pure comfort food.

I've made it a few times since purchasing my new bag of wheat last week and it's just so dang delicious. Incredibly simple. Incredibly frugal.

There's simply no need to pay $4 a box of ground wheat, though name-brands would sure like you to think there is. We're talking about coarsely ground wheat here people - it's not rock science.

I've found it's nice to mix up the hot morning cereal routine - not that girlfriend's got anything against oatmeal. We all know I love me some soaked oatmeal. But none-the-less, it's nice to have an alternative.

As with most all our grain recipes, we soak the wheat prior to ensure optimal digestion. This takes about 12 seconds to complete. I'm confident you can handle it.

Homemade Cream of Wheat
You will need:
- 1 1/2 cups of freshly ground hard wheat (I've used both red and white wheat with great results)
- 3 cups of water
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar, lemon juice, yogurt, or kefir (I prefer vinegar or lemon juice)

Step One: Grind the wheat on the coarsest setting your grain grinder offers. Though it will result in a much more textured cereal, I believe it's also possible to do this in a coffee grinder or a high-powered blender.

Step Two: Combine the ground wheat, water, and vinegar in a pan. Stir to combine. Cover with a towel and leave out overnight.

Step Three: In the morning, turn the heat on low, bust out your best whisk, and spent five minutes over the stove heating the cereal until it's nice and thick. It will stick to the bottom of the pan if you're not careful - it will also burn - so just sip on your morning cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet and rhythmic motion of stirring.

At this point, I like to add a teeny pinch of sea salt and a dash of vanilla extract.

You will be able to tell when the cream of wheat is ready - it will get nice and thick.

Step Four: Serve! I like ours with a healthy glug of raw milk, a teaspoon of grass-fed butter, and a healthy drizzle of real maple syrup. This morning, I also included some walnuts for extra fat and protein since we were out of eggs.
Since the cream of wheat (especially with freshly ground wheat) is so reminiscent of freshly baked bread, I imagine that cinnamon would also be delicious as a topping. Or some sliced banana. Or some berries. Or some flax seeds. Ohhh....the possibilities!

It takes five minutes. It is incredibly frugal. It is warm and comforting and rich and delicious.

What's not to love?

If you don't have a grain grinder, find a friend who does. Purchase a few pounds of wheat berries and have them grind them up for you - you can easily store the ground wheat in the fridge for when you're ready to use it. It's worth it. I promise.

I know many people these days have problems with gluten and wheat. I am thankful our family has never had to deal with such issues. As long as we prepare our grains properly through soaking and fermentation, we seem to handle them incredibly well - another reason to love on this recipe. The wheat is easily absorbed and broken down for digestion.


That's it.

I've got to go get busy now.

These eyebrows aren't going to wax themselves.

Now go treat yo self.


This post part of Simple Lives Thursdays!

For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.

Homemade Cream of Wheat

  • 1 ½ cups freshly ground hard wheat  ((I've used both red and white wheat with great results))
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 tbsp vinegar, lemon juice, yogurt, or kefir ((I prefer vinegar or lemon juice))
  1. Grind the wheat on the coarsest setting your grain grinder offers.Though it will result in a much more textured cereal, I believe it's also possible to do this in a coffee grinder or a high-powered blender.

  2. Combine the ground wheat, water, and vinegar in a pan. Stir to combine. Cover with a towel and leave out overnight.

  3. In the morning, turn the heat on low, bust out your best whisk, and spent five minutes over the stove heating the cereal until it's nice and thick. It will stick to the bottom of the pan if you're not careful – it will also burn – so just sip on your morning cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet and rhythmic motion of stirring.

    At this point, I like to add a teeny pinch of sea salt and a dash of vanilla extract.

    You will be able to tell when the cream of wheat is ready – it will get nice and thick.

  4. Serve! I like ours with a healthy glug of raw milk, a teaspoon of grass-fed butter, and a healthy drizzle of real maple syrup. This morning, I also included some walnuts for extra fat and protein since we were out of eggs.Since the cream of wheat (especially with freshly ground wheat) is so reminiscent of freshly baked bread, I imagine that cinnamon would also be delicious as a topping. Or some sliced banana. Or some berries. Or some flax seeds. Ohhh….the possibilities!


Chex-Mix, Lactation, and Pumpkins.


Up-ing my game.