It's Big-Girl-Bed-Time for G-love.

Yesterday, a friend of ours donated a twin mattress to the 'Get-Georgia-Out-Of-The-Crib-And-Into-A-Big-Girl-Bed-Because-There-Is-A-New-Baby-Coming' Cause.

Whoo hoo!

Originally, we were planning on keeping her in the crib (hello, convenience!) for awhile after the baby was born.  And truthfully, we still may (depending on how the transition plays out).  But none-the-less, I have this burning sensation coming over me that greatly desires to put the baby's nursery in order.  This includes getting a bed, or sleeping arrangement of sorts, in there as well.

We have a little bassinet, which is very wonderful.  But they grow out of them so quickly, I knew it would buy us but a few months time at most.

The next option was the pak-n-play, which works wonderful for napping and moving around as needed.  But setting up the pak-n-play in the baby's room just...I don't just doesn't feel complete.  It doesn't feel like a nursery.  It doesn't feel like a comfortable place to lay the wee one down at night.

Maybe it's silly and vain, but I want it to feel like a cozy nursery (especially considering the amount of time I am about to devote to sitting in there and nursing).

All that to say, over the next few weeks, we will be attempting to transfer G-love over into her big girl bed so we can move the crib into the baby's room.

I know it's not (probably) not going to be easy.  Unless I put up some temporary livestock fencing around the mattress, which I'm not above (teehee).  The question I'm fiddling with, however, is this:

Do I discipline her for getting up and out of bed after we put her down?  Or do I simply say 'Do what you wish, but you must be in your room and you must be quiet' during nap and bedtime?

Currently, there are those days when she decides a nap is not necessary.  So instead, she spends a few hours in her crib reading Cosmopolitan and painting her fingernails.  Hardy-har.  

The same can happen at night - if she's not quite ready to fall asleep yet, she will simply spend a little bit of time in there doing what-evs, man.  I'm fine with this.  As long as she's in bed and clean and happy, she can fall asleep whenever she'd like.

In my circle group last week we discussed the difference between feeling anxious and feeling concerned.  'Concerns', we learned, are valid and relevant.  There are legitimate concerns that we have as parents, such as the safety of our children or the working of the Holy Spirit in their little hearts.  The importance lays upon taking those concerns to the Lord in prayer and trusting that He will faithfully see us through them and provide us with the tools we need to do them well.

So that's what I've decided to do.  Though I am concerned for this transition, I refuse to feel anxious about it.  Instead, it will be taken to the Lord in prayer, knowing that He is at work in even the smallest of details.

And even though transitioning a toddler to a new bed is small potatoes in this fallen world, I can still trust and believe that all things are of importance to the One who created them!

Isn't that wonderful to know?  That the Lord knows the smallest of concerns in my heart and cares for them? 

I think it's wonderful that even seemingly insignificant changes such as bed transitions can cause me to pause and reflect on the goodness of our Creator.  

I also think it's wonderful that dear friends are willing to donate their unused twin mattress to our cause.  It's amazing how blessings continue to abound for us down here.  Cause Dang Dave sure wasn't going to allow for any mattress purchasing any time soon.

G is taking her nap now.  I'm fighting the urge to storm into her room and begin the movement and fluffing of furniture (there is, after all, a mattress on the roof of my car).

I know she'll have fun when we get it all put into place (what little kid doesn't like jumping on a new bed?!).  And I just can't wait to get the new baby's room in order!  I'm getting so excited to meet this little one.  Is it a boy?  Is it a girl?  What the heck are we going to name it anyway?!

By the way, I just have to say, having a baby in my uterus head down is much more comfortable than having a breech baby in my uterus.  Sure, it's not super comfortable to be kicked in the ribs....but it's nothing compared to having a head stuck up in there.

Oh parenthood.
So humbling.  So consuming.  So dang wonderful it makes me want to die of happiness.

And that is all.


Preventative food packing for our journey.


Chex-Mix, Lactation, and Pumpkins.