Nesting Issues meet Chalk Paint.

I am now the proud of owner of this beauty:



Don't judge her.


She's not finished yet.  She hasn't been loved and cared for as she should have been.


She needs new knobs...

And she needs some of the chipping venire removed...


But she's solid as a rock and the drawers are in wonderful shape.  They're not like the stupid press board that never pulls out smoothly.  Oh no.  These bad-boys pull out like velvet.


So here's the game plan:

My husband has requested that the top of the 'dresser' be kept wood (it's tiger oak).  Therefore, I shall sand it down and wax it.  Shouldn't take too long...especially if the 'I shall' becomes the 'he shall'.  Ahem.  


The remainder of the dresser will be painted with a chalk paint.  In fact, by the time you read this post, I may be in possession of it already (the only store to purchase it at is twenty minutes away).  And don't worry about what Dang Dave will say.  I sold my juicer so that I could use the money for a few of these 'nesting' projects.


But just in case I'm not in possession of the paint yet...




I'm desperately trying to decided on what color to paint it.  Please note, the dresser will be distressed with a dark wax after the paint and will have that warn in, rustic look I'm so found of.  


Please also note that this paint will also likely be used on the baby's rocking chair.  And on a few picture frames.  And possibly a wooden chest that is currently (you guessed it...) brown.


And please also take into account that even though the walls in our house aren't painted horrible colors, I refuse to choose the color of chalk paint based on what will look good up against them since we're hoping to relocate to a different house next spring.  Therefore, the pale yellow bedroom walls will not be taken into consideration when choosing a color.  The end.


Okay.  So here are our options:



I love the grays that are up at the top of the color chart...but I tend to steer away from cool colors when decorating.


My favorites thus far are: Cream, Versailes, Aries, Old Ochre, Emperor's Silk, Duck Egg Blue, or Chateau Grey.



The duck egg blue may still be a bit too cool for me...though it does have a warm vibe to it...



I also love the Antibes Green...but the problem is I own too many green things.  Or do I?...



Is cream a cop-out?  Of all the colors in the world, should I really choose a shade of white?  Although, I admit, it is versatile...



Would the Arles yellow match enough to make it a good choice in the long run?  I love golden yellow.  It speaks to my heart.



Is the Emperor's Silk too bold for big pieces?  I love red.  But it can come off harsh if not done right, I think.



Would Chateau Grey look stupid next to wooden pieces? Is it warm enough to match the cozy farmesque feel we're going for here?!  It tends to look very sage greenish in certain light which I don't love...

I'm lovin' this Old Ochre...slightly grey-ish, slightly cream...

Damn you Annie Sloan and all your beautiful colors.  What's a girl to do?!


Sparks in the love fire.


Nesting issues.