Little Owen.

I had a BABY!!!!!!!!!!! And not just any baby. A pretty dang cute one, if I do say so myself.

Owen Shawn Elliott

4 lbs. 14 oz.

18 3/4

Born 11/19/2012 at 6:11 pm 


I can't wait to share the full story with y'all. But I do thank you for your prayers - we were able to successfully have a VBAC! Though it was anything but graceful, it was wonderfully beautiful.

And terrifying.

And incredible.

And insane.

We should be heading home from the hospital this afternoon and I will posting on little Owen's birth as soon as I can. He is holding his birth weight, eating like a champ, and is a complete rock star. Naturally.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving! And praise God from whom all blessings flow!


Owen Baby, Part One.


An awful & awesome rinse.