Natural Linens Giveaway!

I love giveaway posts. Especially when they're for something this rad.

Yep. I said rad. And I meant it.

When I first ran across Natural Linens a few months back, I spent a lot of time perusing through all they had to offer. Now this is exactly what I'm talking about, baby! Easy, simple, eco-friendly alternatives to what we already know and love.

You see, because we don't yet have our farm yet (I am still hopeful!), I've set myself a few homesteading goals to accomplish inside the house. Sure, I lovingly long for my dairy cow, but for the time being that just ain't happenin. So instead, I've decided this is the season to focus on homesteading from the inside of the house.

Such goals include learning how to remove all different types of stains from laundry. And learning how to iron like a pro.

My goals also include:
-Replacing all plastic tupperware with high-quality alternatives (such as glass)
-Replacing all disposable wraps, bags, and paper towels with high-quality non-disposable alternatives

Finding Natural Linens was like finding a best friend I never knew I had.

Carmen makes wonderful alternatives to many of the products we already use and love.

Products like cloth paper towels:

And baggies for snacks:

And coffee filters:

And loose leaf tea bags:

And napkins. And hand towels. And pillow covers. And handkerchiefs.

When Carmen offered to send me some of the baggies to review, I was super excited to give them a go in our kitchen.

These bags work wonderfully for Georgia's snacks and leftover bits of goodness. The little tab at the top folds over to keep all the contents inside and I haven't had any problems with them coming open.

They wash up easily with the rest of the laundry and have been very easy to keep clean. They do tend to curl a bit after being washed, but I'm okay with that. Imperfect is my style, baby.

Stocking the pantry with a healthy supply of these bags would be a wonderful alternative to buying their disposable counterparts week after week. I know, it's convenient to pick up that box of plastic bags at the store - but really, it's money thrown in the trash (the same reason we use cloth diapers!)

And Natural Linens has priced these bags (and all their products) at a very affordable price. You can check out the details on their Etsy Store HERE.

I am working on saving up to purchase a few sets of their paper towels, handkerchiefs, tea bags, as well as a few dozen more baggies. They're just as convenient as plastic and I can use them over and over and over and over.

And over.

Part of 'homesteading', in my humble opinion, is learning to be wise with how we spend our money. I think it's important to spend money on a high-quality products that will serve us for years to come. I think it's important to learn how to waste less. I think it's important to make the most of what we have. And I think it's important to learn to keep our homes, and homesteads, in a way that enhances the health of our wonderful planet.

Being able to replace some (or all!) of these disposable products with long-lasting, high-quality, eco-friendly alternatives is a step in the right direction. Which is why I am so thankful for small businesses like Natural Linens and the wonderful customer service and products they have to offer.

Natural Linens has graciously offered to give away a set of their reusable baggies to one of my readers - booya! To enter the drawing, simply leave a comment letting me know what product you'd love to try.

You can earn up to a total of three entries:
- One entry for leaving a comment
- One entry for 'Liking' Natural Linens on Facebook (click HERE!)
- One entry for 'Liking' The Elliott Homestead on Facebook (click HERE!)

Be sure to leave your email address in your comment so that I can contact the winner! The giveaway will end on Monday, December 17th. Good luck!

And be sure to visit the Natural Linens Etsy Store and give your wish list to that special someone. There's still time to order before Christmas, after all! What convenient timing...

Have a wonderful Tuesday, my friends!


A gift.


Dirty socks and sippy cups.