Silver for Ear Infections & More!

This may come as a huge shocker to you, my dear friends, but there are many things I don't know.

The distance to the moon, for example.

And while there are many things I am blissfully ignorant about, there are just as many that I want to understand deeply.

Like how to garden in Alabama without pesticides, when bugs are the size of grapefruits.

To add onto the list of that which I'd love to gain understanding about, I've added this gem:

Colloidal silver.

If you remember a few weeks back, little G-love came down with ear infections. Instead of opting to give her oral antibiotics that would damage that healthy gut flora we've worked so hard for, we chose an alternative remedy of HOMEMADE GARLIC OIL. This was effective on one of the ears, but the last bit of the infection clung on in the other ear (I had the pediatrician check her ears a week after beginning the treatment). In an attempt to eradicate this nasty infection completely, I came home to do more research before running to the store to pick up a highly-recommended product for ear infections - colloidal silver.

Two drops in each ear for a few days. Seemed easy enough. And it was.

Instead of treating each ear daily, I would sneak into her bedroom at night while she was sleeping and simply put two drops into whichever ear was facing up. This allowed the silver a good amount of time to drain down her ear canal where it could properly treat the infection.

That being said, we haven't been back to the Doctor's to know if the infection has cleaned up completely, but Georgia has shown no sign of ear infections. No pulling or tugging at the ears, no fussing, no crying, no pain, no nothin'. So I'm guessing whatever it was that was bothering her is gone.

Was it the garlic oil? Was it the silver? I don't know. But regardless, she seems to be healthy and happy. And that makes this Mama happy.

Few will argue colloidal silver's effectiveness when given topically. After all, silver has been used as a natural antibiotic ointment on wounds and infections for centuries. It's even been found effective on certain antibiotic -resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

What surprised me, however, is the amount of information that discredits colloidal silver when taken internally. On the flip side, there is also a plethora of information that promotes collodial silver's immune-building, disease-fighting characteristics.

What's a girl to believe?

Some say this. Others say that.

And I want to understand!

As a mama who will almost always seek an alternative, natural remedy before relying on modern medicine, I really do want to understand the characteristics and proper handling of all the goods in my medicine cabinet.

So what about this silver? Should we dismiss this historically popular remedy because it hasn't been accepted by mainstream Western medicine?

While the internal use of colloidal silver can be greatly debated, most would agree on it's beneficial topical uses.

It's been tested to be quite effective on:

 - Mild to moderate wounds

 - Acne

 - Ringworm

 - Burns

 - Thrush

 - Bruises

 - Fungal infections

 - Toothaches

 - Ear infections

 - Warts

 - Mouth sores

Basically whatever it touches, it will disinfect (in simple terms, colloidal silver cuts off the oxygen supply of viruses, bacteria, and fungi). Think of it like a natural sterilizer.

I am thankful that I now have this 'ol gem in my medicine box. I can think of lots of ways to use it already! Though I think before I would administer it orally, I would do a bit more research.

What say you? Have you ever used or taken collodial silver with success or failure?

Teach me, oh wise one. I love to always be learning something...


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