A Photographic Journey Home.
Instead of rambling on about the emotional roller coaster I've been on this past week, I decided that I'd put together a photo album (or list, rather) or photographs from our trip back home. I want to share them with you so that you can get a sense of the beauty and love that awaited us there.
I am so thankful we were able to spend time there. Even though leaving felt like ten thousand stabs right in the heart.
Sorry for being dramatic. I may be slightly hormonal still. I just had a baby a few months ago, ya know.
I secretly tried to have this wood stove shipped back to us in Alabama. I know it's a sin, but I covet it so.
Ahhhhhh.....sweet kombucha. Mom's brew. Ain't nothin' like it. In the best way.
My cousin Kiley and I had our babies only two days apart. This was my first chance to meet Avery. She's tall & lean like a fightin' machine, baby. Owen's built more like a hobbit. At least for the time being.
My dear friend Kaci came to visit. Oh Kaci. How I miss seeing your sweet face. There's never enough time! Also. I really like your sweater. Also. I really dislike my double chin.
That's a refined-sugar filled, processed graham cracker Smore, baby. And it was awesome.
Sorry your face got blacked out, Ty. What can I say. I ain't a professional. And I could probably fix it in Photoshop, but I'm not a professional at that either. Actually, I'm not a professional at anything - come to think of it. Except for maybe hot chocolate making.
Muddy poo. Ah, the sweet smell of muddy poo. How I've missed you.
All the chickens lined up on the four wheeler. That's Smore on their face. Not poo. Just for the record.
Uncle Jer & G. Uncle Jerry. Uncle J-money. Uncle Jerome. Uncle JJ. Shall I go on?
Brooks, I love your sweet face. Even though it usually has a crusty nose and dried food decorating it. I understand.
Hello, beer. How I love you alongside a freshly made Apple Brat.
Sisters. Sisters. There were never such devoted sisters.
(Name that movie!)
I don't have a good movie line about brothers. Sorry, guys.
Speaking of Apple Brats.
And wine tasting...
Lest we take ourselves too seriously.
I will never tire of photographing the people I love and the small details I want to always remember.
Thanks for comin' on the visual trip with me friends.
Now go do something productive.
For the both of us.
The end.