Cows. Cheese. Marti Gras. Babies. Butter.

Hey friend.Happy Friday.Today is a good day. And I'll tell you why. For starters, it's not yesterday. Yesterday, my friends, was madness.You see - it was payday! Thank God. No seriously, I am thanking God very much for such a blessed day. With payday came a trip to the bank, trip to the gas station (I was hoping I'd make it!), trip to Sam's Club for butter and nuts, trip to Hazel's Market for raw milk, trip to the school to drop off Stu's forgotten lunch, and lastly a trip to the chiropractors office for a round of therapy and an adjustment.Oh ya. And there was also a few little extras thrown in, like parenting. And nursing. And cooking dinner. And baking bread. And bottling kombucha.Lord, I'm tired.DSC_0031After putting Georgia down for her nap and heading back into the kitchen to clean up the mess I'd made, I sort of got frustrated. At least for a brief moment. Not because of the work I had to do, oh no, I love the work. But I can resent the fact that a 'working kitchen' like ours is never clean. There's also a pot of something on the stove, a few things fermenting on the counter, bowls of soaking grains by the sink - you know, and those worms.It's hustling. It's alive. It's always producing!DSC_0034I know it's a blessing. But sometimes I dream of the day when all the dishes are done and the floor is swept and the dishwasher is unloaded and the refrigerator is cleaned out and everything is soaked, fermented, and bottled as it should be.Oh wait! That day will come!In one week from today, people.One week from today, I will be on a jet plane headed for sweet 'ol Washington for a week long vacation with my family. I cannnnnnnnnnnnot wait to see everyone again.I put lots a lot of 'n's in there so you could tell how much I meant it.Because I meant it a lot.The only downside of this vacation is that it's made me super emotional, thinking about lovin' on all my lost-lost-loves once again. It's either that or the lactation hormones, I'm not sure. But what I am sure about is that (and contrary to popular belief, this is strange for me) I've been welling up with tears randomly throughout the day for no reason.It's a good thing we don't have a lot of surprise visitors.Maybe it's just crazed excitement bubbling up in the form on emotional instability. Hmm.Regardless.Today is also a great day because I have this baby-love to keep me company:DSC_0051Sweet, sweet baby love. I cannnnnnnnnnot get enough of him. Again, with the repeat 'n's to stress the truth of the statement.Tonight, that little handsome man, his vivacious sister, and their father and I will be attending the local Marti Gras parade! Did you know in Mobile they have a parade every single day of Marti Gras? That's, like, a month long! Crazy. I must admit, I am very new to the Marti Gras scene (which, by the way, originated in Mobile...not New Orleans). I will have to report more next week after I've experienced a taste of the celebration. Right now, all I know is there are beads and Moon Pies involved.And lastly, in true Shaye food fashion, I will traveling 45 minutes away to a local farm and creamery with my dear friend Lisa to pick up some raw milk cheese. You remember the place? I do. A woman cannot forget such a wonderful cheese.Plus, I called and asked the owner if I could photograph the cows for the cookbook. She said yes.Ah yes, my friends. Cows. Cheese. Marti Gras. Babies. Butter. And the sweet taste of an awaiting vacation.A great day indeed!


Preparing for Meat Rabbits.


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