Owen the Hobbit. And a young John Wayne.

Three months ago, I was blessed with Owen. Sweet, succulent, squishy Owen.Owen is already such a little man. I've affectionately nicknamed him 'the hobbit' because of his portly stature. He's shorter and stouter than I remember Georgia being - though my memory rarely serves me correctly, so who knows. Regardless, given his sweet little man face and his father's love for Middle Earth, I've no reason not to give him such a nickname. So 'the hobbit' it is.DSC_0007Owen baby, do you have any idea how much your Mama loves you? Do you know that when she looks at you, she physically feels pain in her heart from all that love? Do you know that she would lay day her life at any moment to protect you? To shield you from pain?It's true, baby. I would.DSC_0003I've often heard it said that Dad's will experience a special relationship with their daughters, and likewise, Mother's will often experience a special relationship with their sons. Naturally, I'd like to think I have a special relationship with both of my children. But I admit, my relationship with Owen is...I don't know...it's different.It's different to be raising a boy. A little man that I will be grooming and preparing for manhood over these next few decades. And Lord knows, we all know what I think about men.Even though he is still so little, needy, and helpless, I can already see the man in him. The little piece of his Daddy that glimmers behind those sweet blue eyes. I see so much of Stuart in his face. And if even humanly possible, it makes me love him all the more.Even though it's only been three months, I already think often of the man he will become. What will he be like? What will he defend? What will he stand for? What sort of man will he be?Will he be like this?williamwallaceA brave, passionate, and rugged warrior.Or like this?johnwayneA smooth, confident, and quick-witted gent.Or perhaps even like this?Street Musician, Pismo BeachA free spirit filled with...errr, musical passion? Teehee.Only the Lord knows. Though truth be told, I know his Dad's hoping for a cross between William Wallace and Samwise Gamgee.And speaking of incredibly cool men, Owen was actually named after this man:JohnOwenA strong, Godly man indeed. John Owen. "Owen was by common consent the weightiest Puritan theologian, and many would bracket him with Jonathan Edwards as one of the greatest Reformed theologians of all time." - J.I. PackerMy deepest and most desperate prayer is that even in his infancy, the Lord would grab hold of Owen's little heart and make it His home. I pray that not one day of Owen's life would be apart from the truth and the grace of the Gospel.I don't care if Owen grows up to wear dreadlocks, a three-piece suit, or a construction hat - what I do care about is the state of his soul and his standing with God.May you always know the great love of our King, little one.And may you always know what it means to be a man of faith!And how much your Mama loves you.Cause dang son. It's a lot.


Love Alongside Beets.


What are we going to feed the meat rabbits?