Crossroads and Paydays.

I must admit, there are quite a few thoughts floating around in this brain of mine. I bet you didn't know I was a thinker, but I totally am. I think, and think, and think.And currently, well, there's a lot to think about.IMG_6968Not for him. He's just frolicking.Want me to tell you what I'm thinking about?I thought so. Because I'm sure you don't have enough frivolous information in your mind already. Allow me to share further worthless information.1. As I type this, I am staring at a naked little girl who is eating a banana and watching a show on the iPad. This has nothing to do with anything, other than the fact that I think little baby's bums are super cute. Especially when they're clean.2. I just asked my husband how much I would have to pay him to bribe him into making me scrambled eggs for dinner. He said "let's order a pizza" at which point I shouted "BY GOLLY YOU GET IN THAT KITCHEN AND MAKE ME SOME SCRAMBLED EGGS SON!!!!".Guess where he is?3. We bred a third doe this weekend. And because I'm sure not everyone would like a video of rabbits mating staring them in the face when they visit the page, I'm going to post it on the Backyards Meat page with a big, fat 'ol warning. I think it could be helpful and informative for others who are considering raising meat rabbits. I wish someone would have told me what to expect! So I'm happy to share. We're also fixin' to welcome our second litter this weekend - the doe began pulling her hair out to build a nest today, so it shouldn't be long now!4. Ever faced a crossroad in our life? Like a significant, important, weighty crossroad-of-a-decision? Which did you choose?5. My brother-in-law Justin, his wife Cyndi, and our niece Kendall are driving down from North Carolina to stay with us for Easter this weekend! Which means I should probably stop typing this and start sweeping the floors or something...6. Since I got my iPhone last week, I've been Instagrammin' it up - which includes taking pictures of very unimportant things and sharing them with the world. My handle (ya know, like a trucker!) is theelliotthome. You should follow the madness.7. Today is payday. The heavens have opened and angels are singing. I've been greatly anticipating this moment - so I can finally order this and this (how can I fuel my hot chocolate addiction without it?).8. And this (I am saving up big time!), and this (man, I wish I could find this at a store nearby!), and this (a delicious luxury!).9. I've begun drinking apple cider vinegar everyday in a pot of green tea with a bit of honey. I can't believe how clean & energized I feel! It's like an instant detox that also boosts immunity! More on this later. But until then, get you some.Make sure it's raw. That's good stuff.10. Lastly, I am mourning that this is the last day of Stuart's spring break. It's been such a fantastic week getting to actually spent large amounts of time together as a family - we've been capitalizing on the goodness and filling our spirit-cups up with love and fellowship. Sweet, sweet Stuart. I love that man. But I also love pay checks. So alas, it is time for him to return to the grind.See? I told you it was all worthless information. But some days are just full of that. Full of thoughts full of worthless information which are full of...thoughts.And on that incredibly brilliant statement that was just made, I suppose it's time to sign off and go sweep my floors.This thinkin' thing is a challenge.


Our King Lives!


Korean Beef.