Life in fast-forward.

Life is in fast-forward these days. Moments slip by all too easily. I've tried to drink in this past week, with Stuart being home on spring break, but even still time just won't stop. It keeps truckin' on, with complete disregard for my hormonal tendencies and emotional struggles.DSC_0050DSC_0053Hello, time! Don't you realize how it causes my heart ache to see my little hobbit growing up so quickly!And don't you realize how I want to drink moments like this in for far longer?DSC_0086DSC_0088Sweet moments of friendship.DSC_0123And celebration.DSC_0027DSC_0078And fun.DSC_0065DSC_0100And snuggles.I was trying to explain to Stuart how I feel and I found it difficult to put into words. I don't want to go back in time - no, there is a place for past times and I prefer they stay there were I can remember them with grace, longing, and laughter. And at the same time, I don't desire to look too far forward - the unknown can be overwhelming and frightful.So I suppose that just leaves me with the now. Right now.But the now is passing me by all too quickly.DSC_0032Even though I'm a writer, I find it particularly difficult to write what that I'm actually feeling, other than writing about an immense sense of gratitude.Gratitude for the now-moments that all too quickly compile to create times-gone.DSC_0042Ah, who am I kidding, I don't know what the heck I'm trying to say.I'm going to blame in on the nursing hormones!Nursing hormones, you're making me sentimental and silly!Dang you!But seriously. These are incredibly beautiful moments. And I want to just drink them in!


Spiced Sweet Potato Souffles with Roasted Walnuts


Our King Lives!