Our Homestead.

As I sit here and nibble the chocolate chips out of my homemade banana ice cream, I can't help but think about all the wonderful things in the world. It is, after all, Sunday afternoon. And the sun is shining through the jungle outside, slowly warming my core temperature up (which is currently about 15 degrees from eating so much said ice cream).Point being = it's a sweet moment.I'm slowly getting better at savoring the sweet moments, as it seems all too often the Lord allows uncomfortable circumstances to come into our lives. But those moments, those sweet moments, when all is calm and wonderful - those are to be savored.Notice I didn't say all is 'clean' or all is 'organized'. Oh no. The house is filthy, dishes are stacked in the sink, I'm out of grocery money for the month with no clue as to what I'm going to make for the next ten days of dinner.But such is life. And regardless, it's still a sweet moment.blog3I've been allowing my mind to daydream the past few days - a trail of these sweet moments when I feel passionate and inspired. I've let it wander to....wait for it....wait for it...Our homestead.I know. Shocker, right?I can feel it - a new season is upon us, and it's time to get serious about this homesteading business. I am trusting that the Lord will make straight the path before us so that our adventure can finally hit full-force.Chickens, for fresh eggs daily.Goats, for their delicious raw milk.Bees, for their sweet honey.Rabbits, for their meat.Worms, for their incredible compost.A vineyard, for grapes.A garden, for vegetables.Fruit trees, for...well, ya know. Fruit.blog2It's a mindset of resourcefulness and appreciation. A slower pace that pairs enjoyment with hard work.A time where clothes will make their way out to dry on the clothesline.A time when supper will come almost entirely from the soil of our land and the work of our hands.A time when flowers will bloom.And tea will be sipped.And fellowship will be enjoyed over a day of harvesting.A time when Georgia will begin carrying a bucket of eggs up from the coop.And a time when the morning routine will include milking, be it rain, snow, or shine.Ultimately, my friends, a time is upon us where we will get to witness first-hand the glory of God that is present in this incredible created world.blog1Perhaps it's just the way I've been designed as a daughter of Adam, longing so desperately to be close with the earth, with it's animals, with it's ability to produce such wonderful things. As cliche as it sounds, I've discovered the movement of life on the farm to be incredibly harmonious.Harsh. But harmonious.I know that farm life isn't for everyone. And truth be told, I'm sure there will be many a day when I'd rather roll over and fade back to sleep in a warm blanket than head out into the cold air with a milk bucket. In fact, I know there will be those times - I spent many frigid winter mornings in college feeding cattle and horses. Peeling myself away from the Memory Foam was torture.But I love the work. The dirt. The rewards.I can really tell it's time to begin this part of our lives and I'm so excited! So until the day when it will all begin (and soon enough it will), I'll read through great resources such as this, and this, and this and soak up and learn as much as I can.I shutter to think of a day when I cease to learn and grow.Someday, by the grace of God, I'll be able to milk a goat like it ain't no thang.So what if I don't know how yet!It's a process...a journey......and a beautiful one at that.What's YOUR favorite part about farm life?


Herbal Tea Recipe for Sleep


Mating, Kits, and Oat Grass.