Naturally boosting my milk production with Mother's Milk tea.

Lactation is such a blessing. A wonderful part of motherhood, indeed.While visiting Alex and Lauren in Macon this weekend, we had to just chuckle at the amount of breastfeeding that was involved. They have a son barely three months younger than Owen and with both of us exclusively breastfeeding, it seemed there was one of us constantly rocking in the chair, nursing, cuddling the babes.There was milk. There was burping. There was a spit up. There was those sweet moments of little baby feet sticking out from under the blanket.It was awesome.I was so thankful, especially since I am nursing, that Alex and Lauren took extra effort to cook and prepare us delicious, nutrient-dense food. We feasted on pastured eggs and meats, raw milk, freshly caught bass, delicious rice, sprouted bread, and freshly baked cookies. As a breastfeeding mother I eat often, and a lot, and take extra care to make sure that good stuff is going in so that good stuff can be coming out in my milk.I remember my Aunt telling me when Georgia was nursing to always throw extra peanut butter on my toast and dish up an extra scoop of homemade ice cream because it's the period of my life where that is needed. And she was totally right. When I fail to eat enough or the right things, my milk suffers for it. So I am always careful to scoop up a little extra. Ya know. For Owen's sake and all.Ahem.Ya. That's right. I drink the extra cup of hot chocolate for the baby.That being said, the one thing I totally bombed on this weekend was drinking enough water (hello - super important, Shaye!). The last night we were there, Lauren brewed me a delicious cup of Mother's Milk tea to help. I woke up to... how can I say this tactfully... a lot of milk.Which reminded me of just how awesome this tea is.DSC_0188Breastfeeding, no doubt, pulls all sorts of nutrients and minerals from our bodies. This tea helps to supplement that and refill the reserves in our bodies. Not only that, but it's also soothing and helps to hydrate. Win. Win. Win.Win. Win. Win. Win. Win.I've posted this recipe before, but it was a long time ago, the photos are horrific, and it's lost in the endless, dark pit of the archives. It deserves better. So I'm reviving it.Making this tea at home is a much more cost effective option to the boxed Mother's Milk tea. Another win.Homemade Mother's Milk TeaYou will need:- 1/2 cup fennel seeds. An aromatic spice that helps to stimulate milk production and also stimulates a sluggish digestion.- 1/2 cup raspberry leaves: A soothing leaf beneficial for the female reproductive system.- 1/4 cup nettle: A leaf rich in iron and Vitamin C. Has a cleansing action on the body and aids in kidney function and circulation. Helps to promote milk flow. Also beneficial for skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis.- 1/4 cup alfalfa: Helps alleviate fluid retention and swelling, promotes a healthy urinary and digestive tract, cleans the blood, lowers cholesterol, and is rich in vitamins and minerals.- 1/4 cup dandelion leaves: A leaf that acts as a diuretic, aids in alleviating fluid retention, and is rich in potassium.- 1/4 cup thistle: An all around good detox herb (especially for the liver!). Also an anti-inflammatory.- Wee bit of cinnamon, to taste- A few cloves, to tasteSimply combine the herbs together in a Mason Jar and shake to incorporate them together. I use 2 tablespoons of the herb mixture per three cups of boiling water. It's also delicious sweetened with a teeny bit of cream and raw honey.DSC_0186I love a pot of this tea at night. It's a wonderful way to wind down, hydrate, and prepare my body for tomorrow's milk production.Okay. The kind of makes me sound like a cow.Though, let's face it, myself and a dairy cow sort of have a lot in common. Both of us lactate. Both of us have cute babies. Both of us know the pain of engorgement. And both of us will sacrifice the wellness of our own bodies to produce and help our babies to grow.Which is all the more reason we need to replenish our dear bodies with wonderful minerals.Thank you, dear body, for this wonderful service you provide for my child.DSC_0027I am grateful.


The Cookie.


Lessons from my Mother in femininity.