Recover my brain.

It's not often that I find it difficult to put our life into words, but the last few days have just blown by and taken me with them. If you follow us on Facebook, you were no-doubt witness to the play-by-play that I was giving of an enormous wildlife that *barely* missed us. While we sat on the deck at night, watching the fire line creep closer and closer to us down the ridge, it was pretty surreal. Especially since that night brought with it an incredible lightning storm that quite literally shook my world. All night long.Get it? ACDC?*crickets*It was a long night.Between planning our fire-escape route with the animals, dodging floods, sweeping ash, and dealing with a brief power outage......I'll be danged if my mind is just pretty focused on survival, man.DSC_0575But God is good and just as the fire was really getting too close for comfort (at this point we were on Level 3 evacuation...which means you should be leaving, like, now) He sent a magnificent rain storm. I was so thankful for that rain. Even though it came when we had friends over for dinner and were grilling pizzas outside. And despite the almost-disastrous-pizza-grilling-party, all was well. The fires were all but put out.Whoop whoop!That's a first. I've never had to contemplate moving a cow through a wildfire before.Farm Lesson #5091: Be prepared for everything. EVERY. THING.Oh, and since we're on the subject of farm lessons, I have a few more for ya:1. Don't build a corral out of 1x6 lumber. Build it out of the biggest, thickest, most incredibly strong lumber that you can. Because cows are fat and aggressive and playful and they will snap your lumber like ...well... something that snaps really easy.2. Don't expect to ever complete any projects on budget or within any specific time frame.3. Always be prepared for something to break.4. Always make sure to pack snacks when making the big trip into town from the farm. Seven miles away from home at lunch time = hangry (hunger + angry) Shaye. Ain't nobody like hangry Shaye. I'm hangry enough to make Lord Voldemort (excuse me, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) seem like a sweet, cuddly Poodle.5. Always make sure to have a Veterinarian confirm that your cow is pregnant before you actually pay for a bred cow.Oh wait. We already talked about that last one, didn't we?Speaking of which, the Vet will be coming by this week to check up on the 'ol girl. I'm trying to not get my hopes up and am planning on scheduling for an AI technician to visit her shortly. I'll be pleasantly surprised if she is bred. Is it weird that I've been praying for my cow to be bred?No doubt, the Lord has much bigger problems than my open cow.But it's just that I love milk.And in order to make milk, she needs to make a baby.And in order to make a baby, she needs... well...Fu-get-about-it.What was this post supposed to be about anyway? Wildfires? Cows making babies? Who is this blogger? What is she thinking? She has no constant train of thought. She makes no sense and anytime she can't figure out how to connect sentences, she just starts a new paragraph....Thanks for lovin' me anyway, friends. I'm going to go and try to recover my brain.


Fried Squash Blossoms with Homemade Ricotta.


The devaluing of the woman.