NEW eBook Bundle – Including YOURS TRULY!

Writing my cookbook has been such a blessing. Particularly in the feedback that I'm receiving from my long time readers and friends. When I get an email that lets me know that From Scratch encouraged someone to get back in the kitchen and cooking for their family on a daily basis, it really makes it feel like the pain of writing a self-published cookbook was TOTALLY worth it. Even if it made a difference in only ONE FAMILY'S eating habits, I'd say that was a very big success.And I hear from lots of you. Each day. And I am so thankful for that!I don't often try and sell you things on this blog - it's not my goal or frankly, my desire. I'd much rather spend time talking to you about disappearing trash cans, wild mushroom risotto, and the grace in our trash cans. But that being said, I feel it's my obligation as author of From Scratch to let you know of some exciting news about my first born child...err....cookbook.facebookFor the next six days, From Scratch is being offered alongside 29 other books in a NEW Fall eBook Bundle! To even be included in the same bundle as incredible bloggers like Jenny from Nourished Kitchen, Kristen from Food Renegade, Danelle from Weed 'Em & Reap, and Heather from Mommypotamus is pretty dang exciting for me as an author and blogger.Even better, all of our eBooks are being offered at a HUGE discount. If each of these eBooks were to be purchased separately, it would be over $950. That's, like, a super nice new Nikon camera (for those who are into those sorts of things). But for the next week, we're all combining our efforts to make this available to our readers for only $39.$39. 30 eBooks. That's a great deal.Maybe eBooks aren't your thing. And that's fine. Truth be told, they're not really my thing either (but I'm super old fashioned, so who am I to judge?). A lot of my readers DO love eBooks though, so if this is your thing... than this is totally your thing...Does that make any sense?Anyway. I digress. As usual.Here's a list of the books included:- From Scratch, Shaye Elliott of The Elliott Homestead (yay!)- DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes, Heather Dessinger of Mommypotamus- Simply Salads by Season, Kristen Michaelis of Food Renegade- Feed Your Fertility, Emily Bartlett of Holistic Squid and Laura Erlich of A Bao in the Oven- The Sleep Solution: End Your Insomnia Naturally, Emily Benfit of Butter Believer- Processed Free, Robin Konie of Thank Your Body- Pain Free, Robin Konie of Thank Your Body- Get Your Fats Straight, Sarah Pope of The Healthy Home Economist- Quit PMS, Lauren Geertsen of Empowered Sustenance- Sustainability Starts at Home, Dawn Gifford of Small Footprint Family- Real Food Survival Guide for Busy Moms, Lindsey Gremont of Homemade Mommy- Your Custom Homestead, Jill Winger of The Prairie Homestead- Grain-free Desserts, Jennifer McGruther of Nourished Kitchen- Love Your Body, Elizabeth Walling of The Nourished Life- Have Your Cake & Lose Weight, Too!, DaNelle Wolford of Weed 'Em & Reap- Real Fit At Every Age, Julie de Lagarde of Real Fit Mama- Beyond Broth, Jill Tieman of Real Food Forager- Gluten-free Vegetarian, Hannah Healy of Healy Real Food Vegetarian- Kick the Weight with Keto, Kim Knoch of The Eat Fat Lose Fat Blog- The 30-Day Heartburn Solution, Craig Fear of Fearless Eating- The Granny Plan, Kathy Block of Granny's Vital Vittles- Healer, Joseph Dispenza- Natural Cocktails, Kendahl Millecam of Our Nourishing Roots- Grain Free Meal Plans for Fall, Cara Comini of Health, Home & Happiness- Real Food Ingredient Guide, Kelly the Kitchen Kop- 30 Days of Simple Dinners: Summer Edition, Rachel Jones of Nourishing Minimalism- Culture Your Life, Louise Kane Buckley of Loula Natural- Nourishing Our Children, Sandrine Love of Nourishing Our Children- Three Weeks to Vitality: The Ultimate Cleanse, Mary Vance- Eating Additive Free, Christy Pooschke of Completely NourishedYou can read more detailed information on each book by CLICKING HERE. You'll learn all sorts of information like:- How to butcher a chicken (just kidding... maybe in my next book...)- How to cope naturally with PMS (I'm really excited about this one!)- How to make a killer real-food cocktail (get to the back of the line refined sugar)- How to meal plan as a busy Mom- How to introduce more cultured foods into your daily life- How to cook grain-free meals (if that's what you're into)- How to cook non-grain-free-meals (don't worry, I got your back)- How to eat lots and lots of fat and STILL loose weight- How to stock your kitchen with whole-food essentials- How to whip up a killer dessert (not actually a dessert that kills... you know what I mean...)- And lots, lots, lots more (what can I say? I get bored with bullet points)facebook1Maybe some of the books you'll love, maybe some you'll never read, but at this great of a price, even if you only utilize a few of the books (ahem, From Scratch, ahem) you'll still be coming out ahead. So booya to that.Please don't feel pressured to buy - that is not my intention. And I hate to get all sale-sy on ya, it certainly isn't my purpose. But because I know a lot of my readers well and know the things that they'd like to learn more about, I really do think a lot of you will enjoy this bundle.You can get more information, review the books, and (even better!) purchase the bundle HERE. Buy it. Now. At a super big discount. Read it. Enjoy it. And SAVE MONEY!So that's it. That's the best sales pitch I got.How'd I do?I guess I'll just be thankful I can bake bread and leave the used cars to the professionals.Have a great day, my friends!


A ray of light from the dumpster.


Pastured Meat Chickens. Week 1.