What my dark side desires.

I like to think that I have my desires under control. I can *usually* keep myself from lashing out at everyone I know that has a Vitamix, even though I desire one so desperately. And *usually* I can turn my head the other way when I see anyone driving a Wagoneer (what can I say? I want one badly!).But sometimes... sometimes...Sometimes, I feel a certain way and I loose all control. Sometimes, I desire something so badly that until I give into the craving, my mind is consumed by it.Anyone who's followed this blog for any amount of time knows exactly what I'm talking about...I'm talking about my dark side.The dark side of my mind that desires one thing and one thing alone.SWEET. MILK.The dark side isn't too picky. London Fogs. Hot chocolate. Lattes. Americanos. Sweet coffees. Cinnamon sleep tonic with cream. It's all fair game. And it's all desired.I can't help it. Each day, around the same time, I want it. Just a little sweet somethin' somethin' in my belly.Most days, it's hot chocolate. And it's awesome. But since the fog has been rolling in steadily for the past few days and Michael Buble has been serinading me on Pandora with holidays sounds all week, I've found myself desiring something else... something festive... something rich... and creamy...You know what I'm talkin' about. Don't act a fool.20131108-DSC_0147Homemade EggnogYou will need:- 2 cups cream (preferably raw and organic)- 2 cups whole milk (preferably raw and organic)- 8 egg yolks (preferably from pastured chickens)- 4 tablespoons real maple syrup or honey- 1 1/2 tablespoons real vanilla extract- 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon- 1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg- 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves- 1/8 teaspoon ground all-spiceSimply whisk together to combine or, if you're a Vitamix owner (ahem), you can simply blend in your super cooler blender that I-shall-not-covet-because-that's-a-sin.I like to warm my eggnog up on the stove (not the microwave!) until it's just warm and frothy. Then, I pour it into a mug, use my forearm to push all the other junk off the table, and sit for a moment in sweet milk heaven.20131105-DSC_0086Sure, there's a painted butternut squash right next to it (alongside an art apron and about approximately 3.69 billion crayons). And sure, there's plates of food left from breakfast (I'm going to need you to quite judging now) blocking the view of my mug. But inside that mug is a few sips of pure holiday delight. And if you're an adult (and, assuming, it's past 9:30 a.m.) a few splashes of rum would be a much welcomed addition to said delight.20131108-DSC_0141Giving yourself over to your inner desires is not always a good thing.In this case, it's not only good, it's downright nirvana.Just sayin.'For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.


Take a peek in my kitchen!


How To Make Butter