Soothing Skin Cream

Once upon a time, there was a hobbit who needed some homemade skin cream. He didn't live in a hole in the ground. Rather, he lived on a farm.But that's not the point.The point is the hobbit himself.Our little hobbit (and by little, I mean 4 lbs. 14 oz. at birth) is over a year old now, but naturally, he's still my baby. And he will continue to be for approximately the next sixty years - give or take. There's something about this little man that just tugs at my heart strings desperately. So a few weeks ago, when he was struggling a bit with red, itchy, dry skin, it hurt that 'ol heart of mine.I know. I know. A little bit of red, itchy, dry skin is very small on the scale of world problems. Get some perspective, Shaye. But still, as his Mama, I found myself wanting to fix it. Wanting to cure it. Wanting to take it away.It wasn't bad enough that it was causing him to itch or scratch - but the patches of dry, scaly skin would get red and irritated at times (particularly after a warm bath). There was one patch, in particular, that I'd been battling for a few weeks and it just wouldn't go away! Even with steady applications of coconut oil AND a cream from our naturopathic doctor.I started to think:- Was he allergic to milk?- Was it my laundry detergent?- Was he having a reaction to something he'd eaten?Over the next few weeks, I began to introduce more probiotics in his diet via homemade sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha. I figured it couldn't hurt - right? And after that, I did what most Mamas do. I lay awake at night while the rest of the house was sound asleep and snoring, wondering what I should try next. I told myself I'd give it one more shot before taking him into the Doctor.And I'm so glad I did!Because I found the creme de la creme. The Mac Daddy. The jackpot. The homemade skin cream of champions.It took a bit of research, but I finally settled on a combination of shea butter and essential oils to encourage recovery in the hobbit. And here's why I used what I used in this homemade skin cream:Shea butter: A tried and true moisturizer that heals the skin wonderfully. It is rich in Vitamin A and mimics the natural moisturize produced by our skin.Geranium essential oil: One of the best skin care oils, promoting stability and balance.Cedarwood essential oil: Used for centuries to help encourage recovery in skin conditions.Lavender essential oil: Generally noted for aiding in skin care as it promotes regeneration and circulation.

To learn more about what essential oils I recommend, CLICK HERE.

Soothing Skin Cream

You will need:- 1/2 cup shea butter- 20 drops geranium essential oil- 30 drops cedarwood essential oil- 20 drops lavender essential oilSimply mix all the ingredients together in a small jar like so...Homemade Eczema Cream | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Look at you go! You're an soothing skin cream makin' fool!I've only been giving the little hobbit two baths per week. Each night before bed, I've been slathering him up in this soothing skin cream - head to toe. It's actually quite cute when I do it - he lays there, stiff as a board and totally still. I think he likes the massage. But who wouldn't love a full body massage? Sign me up!Sorry. Was that too much information?Ahem.Regardless. I'm happy to report that after only THREE APPLICATIONS Owen's skin is SMOOTH. I was blown away! Or, in order to let you know how exciting I really was, I'll say it like this: I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!!!!!!!Homemade Eczema Cream | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Even Stuart, who is a slight skeptic of essential oils, couldn't believe the difference it had made. Owen had smooth, calm skin in less than four days. Granted, his case was very mild, but even still - what sweet relief it offered to the little one!I'll always keep a batch of this soothing skin cream on hand. It's one more fantastic thing to have up our sleeve!One of my favorite parts about this soothing skin cream is how inexpensive and easy it is. I'm thankful it's possible to approach some of these smaller issues with just a little bit of creativity and willingness to try new methods.And of course, it's important to thank the Ultimate Healer who watches over our little one and cares for even the smallest of skin ailments.


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