Organic Bug Spray Recipe

Let's talk about insects, shall we? About how much we hate them? And then, let's talk about an organic bug spray recipe.Organic Garden Bug Spray Recipe| The Elliott Homestead (.com)Some days I can take a sucker punch, and some days I can't. Today was one of the "can't" days. Today was one of the I'm-going-to-loose-my-mind days. So when I went out to find my broccoli nibbled to teeny nubs, I may have lost it a little bit.Shovels were thrown.Fences were punched.Chickens were kicked across the barnyard.I'm kidding! I would never throw a shovel.Regardless, I came back into the house - steam coming from my ears - and decided I had one of two choices. I could either a) pray that the Lord would eliminate every single broccoli-nibbling-critter from here to kingdom come OR I could b) try and be an adult and come up with a better solution, like perhaps coming up with an organic bug spray recipe myself.A quick reference in my gardening manual led me to an organic bug spray recipe. That coupled with a few others I've heard of over the years lead me to the cookstove. Go figure.Shaye? At the cookstove? Who'd've thunk.I was ready to really bring my A-Game on these stupid bugs. I don't care if they were hungry. I don't care if they have to have their place in the food chain. I want them GONE! Because I love broccoli.Organic Garden Bug Spray Recipe | The Elliott Homestead (.com)

Organic Bug Spray Recipe

You will need: - 1 organic onion- 1 entire head organic garlic- 1 teaspoon organic cayenne pepper- 1 quart water- 1 tablespoon dish soap- 1 spray bottleOrganic Garden Bug Spray Recipe| The Elliott Homestead (.com)1. Mince or finely chop the onion and garlic. You don't have to peel them if you don't want to. I just threw them both in my food processor and practically liquified them. Chop. Mince. Liquify. Do what you want.2. Combine the minced onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, and water together in a large saucepan. Turn the heat on low and let it gently simmer, infuse if you will, for 45-60 minutes.By the way, your house is going to smell horrible. If you've got an outside cookstove I'd recommend doing that. Because seriously. It stinks baaaad.Bad. I really want to emphasize that. Do NOT cook this pest spray before you have company or they'll wonder what sort of dead carcass you have hidden under your house.Organic Garden Bug Spray Recipe | The Elliott Homestead (.com)3. Once the mixture has simmered, allow it to cool to room temperature. Lastly, strain it through cheesecloth. Once the majority of the liquid has drained through, use your hands to squeeze out all of the extra liquid from the super-stinky-mixture. It's bug fightin' goodness, baby.Organic Garden Bug Spray Recipe | The Elliott Homestead (.com)4. Combine the stinky liquid with the dish soap in the spray bottle. Gently shake to combine.5. Use the organic bug spray recipe ALL OVER your susceptible crops - I used it all over my broccoli, kale, collards, radishes, lettuce, and cabbages. I'll reapply after each watering - about once a week.It deters the bugs. And if it doesn't deter them, and they eat a bite of my broccoli, I hope it burns their stomach and they never come back for more.It's been a few days since the first application so it may be a bit too early to tell, but it surely seems that the plants are finally being left alone. I didn't think I'd have to worry about pests this early on in the season but they seem to have my address - showing up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner uninvited.Isn't it wonderful that such natural ingredients can provide such a powder punch to the 'ol garden bugs?I'm thankful.My broccoli is thankful.Happy gardening, my friends!

Organic Bug Spray Recipe

  • 1 organic onion
  • 1 entire head organic garlic
  • 1 teaspoon organic cayenne pepper
  • 1 quart water
  • 1 tablespoon dish soap
  • 1 spray bottle
  1. Mince or finely chop the onion and garlic. You don’t have to peel them if you don’t want to. I just threw them both in my food processor and practically liquified them. Chop. Mince. Liquify. Do what you want.
  2. Combine the minced onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, and water together in a large saucepan. Turn the heat on low and let it gently simmer, infuse if you will, for 45-60 minutes.
  3. Once the mixture has simmered, allow it to cool to room temperature. Lastly, strain it through cheesecloth. Once the majority of the liquid has drained through, use your hands to squeeze out all of the extra liquid from the super-stinky-mixture.
  4. Combine the stinky liquid with the dish soap in the spray bottle. Gently shake to combine.
  5. Use the organic bug spray recipe ALL OVER your susceptible crops – I used it all over my broccoli, kale, collards, radishes, lettuce, and cabbages. I’ll reapply after each watering – about once a week.

Organic Bug Spray Recipe | The Elliott Homestead (.com)


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