MightyNest Lunch Goodies Giveaway!

I may be in a slight form of denial. After all, I can't posssssibly be old enough. I'm still young! Still vivacious! Still full of youth!But deny as I will - it's true. My baby, my wee little Georgia Knox (whom many of you helped me to welcome into the world back when this blog first began) will start KinderPrep this year at her Daddy's school.The school uniform has been ordered. Soon, she'll be all tailored up in her blue blouse and jumper - black tights and shoes to boot. My heart can barely stand it.Couple all this with these facts:a) I'm super hormonal and pregnantb) Between now and the start of school a new baby will arrivec) Georgia just received her school lunch supplies in the mail from MightyNest (one of my very favorite natural shops to purchase from!)... and this Mama is spent. Stick a fork in me. I can't handle the truth!MightyNest Lunch Goodies Giveaway! | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Because Georgia will be attending KinderPrep during snack time and because she'll have to stay at the school with Stuart while he finishes up his after school obligations, I knew we'd have to make sure she was prepared. And by prepared, I mean girl needed a lot of snacks and milk to-go. That girl can eaaaaat. And unfortunately, she also inherited the "hangry" gene from her Mother. Which means that when Georgia's hungry the world better WATCH OUT.Point being: it's better for every one to be prepared.mightynestHence the MightyNest package.And hence THIS GIVEAWAY! Because I want you to be prepared too. There are too many 'hangry' children in the world. Ours need not be one more. And contrary to popular belief, CapriSun and a bag of Cheetos isn't going to cut it. Not for me. Not for my little pre-schooler. Food is brain fuel, baby. And packing a super-food lunch is high on the priority list. Not only that, but getting the kids involved in the kitchen - maybe it's making the food, maybe it's packing the food, maybe it's helping to grow the food, is a wonderful way to kick up the excitement factor on this a bit.Georgia eating a tomato! The Elliott Homestead (.com)Georgia loves being involved in all aspects of eating good food. And while it may not always be easiest for me to have her helping me pick beans in the garden or stirring up some homemade bread... well, packing a lunch? That's totally something I can get her behind!One other thing I'd love to tell you about is the wonderful school program that MightyNest put together. With your purchase of better goods for lunch and home, MightyNest will donate 15% to your local school. A typical lunch gear order donates more than $10 to the school of choice. And MightyNest's has a goal to raise $1,000,000 for schools this school year!So let's take a peek at this giveaway! EEK! How exciting it is.MightyNest has so many reusable goodies! The Elliott Homestead (.com)First, naturally, take note: it's all PINK! Just because that's G's favorite color. Naturally. But lucky for you, MightyNest offers a large variety of prints and colors for your little ones liking. Check them out HERE!Thermos for raw milk storage! The Elliott Homestead (.com)On top of the non-disposable lunch box (just say no to brown bags!), G will also be taking this thermos full of raw milk each day. Girlfriend doesn't go anywhere without her thermos of raw milk. I love that it keeps it cold for long periods of time AND that it's super easy to wash and clean out. Bonus: it's not breakable! Trust me, we would have broken it already if it was.Reusable Snack Bags! The Elliott Homestead (.com)And I think that these may be my favorite part! Snack bags! I hate, hate, hate plastic bags - they seems so wasteful. But these reusable, and easy to clean (they're lined!) bags are perfect for veggie or cheese sticks, crackers, sandwiches, etc.On top of that, the giveaway also includes these fantastic stainless steel storage containers. They're small enough to fit inside the lunch box but big enough to hold a good amount of soup, pasta salad, kimchi, etc. I love them because they're BPA free, easy to wash, and free of toxins. Georgia loves them because they have pink lids.Stainless steel snack containers! The Elliott Homestead (.com)I'll count it as a win.Lastly, the giveaway will also include a set of reusable stainless steel utensils... complete with their on little carrying case! A perfect fit inside the lunch box and the snapping container is easy for her to open and a great way to keep track of the spoon and fork.Reaching in for zucchini bread! The Elliott Homestead (.com)All reusable and washable. No waste. No fuss. Just a sweet and eco-friendly way to pack up a homemade lunch or snack for the little one.I'm serious y'all. This is important. Fueling our children well is one of the best things we can do for them as they go about their school day. It's the start of a new year and a great time to invest some effort and thought into not going what's going into your child's lunch but also the sustainable way in which you can provide that to them. MightyNest has done a fantastic job of putting all these products together in one easy-to-shop online store. Save yourself from the brown-paper-and-plastic-bag cycle. It's expensive, unsustainable, and wasteful.Instead, enter our giveaway! You may just win this wonderful lunch set up yourself! And if not - have no fear! You can also shop MightyNest's online store HERE. There's plenty of time to stock up before school!Georgia loves her lunchbox! The Elliott Homestead (.com)As for me, I'll be working on filling Georgia's lunchbox with some sourdough crackers, raw cheddar cheese from Sal, protein bars, and fruit slices.And tears.MightyNest has some fantastic prizes including $100 worth of school lunch gear to make your packing - or your kids' packing - that much easier AND a $1000 donation for your school (3 winners). One winner will be chosen to win the reusable lunch gear...enter by using the form below!


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