Essential Oils Aren't God.

Essential Oils Aren't God | The Elliott Homestead (.com)I use a lot of essential oils. Like. A lot of them. And I love them.Let's just all remember that as we continue on in this post, shall we?As many of you know, I sell and promote essential oils and am happy to do so. I love the company. I love the product. Did I mention I love oils yet?... that being said......(you always know it's about to go down when someone says 'that being said')...I got an e-mail from a fellow oil user the other day that really shook my world. In it, she was seeking my advice as to what oil she should use to benefit her mood. But not just any mood. She wanted an oil that would cause happiness, a sense of well-being, peace, harmony, forgiveness - because she had been assaulted and needed some 'calming' in her life.And even as an oil user, I literally shouted at my computer screen: YOU DON'T NEED AN OIL. YOU NEED JESUS!I fear that many have fallen into the ditch of worshiping the creation versus worshiping the creator. Do I believe that God created essential oils? Absolutely. Do I believe in their ability to help in all kinds of circumstances? Of course. But the oils are just that - they are oils.True well-being does not come from a bottle. Neither does peace, harmony, forgiveness, or frankly - the most important thing of all - belief in Jesus Christ as our one and only Lord and Savior.I fear that as so many turn to use these oils, they turn their blind eye to the only place in the world where TRUE healing and TRUE forgiveness and TRUE joy can be found. At the foot of the cross.I use oils around my home for, like, a zillion things every day. I'm telling ya, I so appreciate these oils and the wonderful gifts that myself and many others have found in their uses. Truly, they are a gift from God.But I can live without God's earthly gifts and that which he has blessed us with in creation.I CANNOT live without God. When I see the great benefit that essential oils can bring to a person's life, I am grateful that we have been given such natural and beautiful tools. I'm ever astonished at creation and how so much of the world is here to aid us - feed us - support us. But creation in and of itself has no power. That power lies within the one, true God who created it to function, move, and breathe as it does. If I've got a cut, I'll reach for my oils.If I've been truly wronged, such as this reader had in her assault, I'll reach for my Bible.Before the hate emails start pouring in, I assure you that I do believe essential oils can promote calm, promote comfort, and uplift our spirits. But when the diffuser runs dry and the bottle is empty, what have we left? The Lord will never leave us. Never forsake us. He will never run out of the ability to comfort His people.Essential oils are not God. Not even close. And I urge those of you who are in serious need to look to the one place in the entire world where that healing can take place - the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through Christ's perfect life our sins our forgiven. We have been made right in the eyes of a just, powerful, and thrice-holy God. We have the Creator of the universe on speed-dial. He hears our petitions and knows our needs even before we do.At the foot of the cross is where we will find peace. It's where we will find purpose. It's where we will find ultimate healing.I thank God for oils - truly, I do. And I will continue to use them each day (their benefits are as numerous as the stars!). But God created those stars. And to him all Honor is due. If you would like to get started in using essential oils, by all means, let's get you started! But let's not forget their place on the food chain.And Amen.


Homestead Barn Hop #179


When Daddy's Away...