I'm surviving.

Sometimes, I've just got to take a step back and admit "I'm not that woman." As much as I'd like to be, I'm just not. This time of year, I'm aware of it all the more. While other Mom's are setting up tablescapes and decorating sugar cookies like turkeys, I'm just keepin' my head above water.Perhaps I should be coordinating my children's holiday clothing or something important like that. But I'm not.Instead, I'm surviving. I'm Surviving | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Even though I'll never be the cool crafty Mom, I've come to peace with that. Once I realized that all of us have our special gifts, I felt much more at rest with the fact that we are all different - with different strengths and different weaknesses.One of my weaknesses has always been events. Ya know. Like the giant Thanksgiving one coming up tomorrow.I think I'll blame it on having small children. It's like somehow my brain has been sucked from my eyeballs and jello has been inserted bak into the empty skull. Sometimes, I walk into a room, do a few turns around, and realize I not only have no idea why I'm in that room... but I don't even remember what my name is.Perhaps when my children are older these events will come easier. Perhaps I'll be able to think about things like place settings and wine glasses.But for the moment, it's sippy cups, poopy diapers, nursing sessions, and... ya know... the general task of surviving winter on the farm. That being said, we do have a special treat to look forward to: our first homegrown turkey. He was butchered a month ago when we harvested our first batch of meat chickens. He's been residing in our freezer, plucked and ready for his culinary destiny to arise. Today is his day.Am I going to brine it? Great question.How am I going to cook it? Even better question.After all... I am a food blogger - aren't I? Isn't this the kind of thing I'm suppose to thrive on? Menu planning? Cooking up for giant crowds? Devoting all my time and energy to food consumption? One must remember, however, that my brain has been replaced with jello - as previously stated. I'm devoting this day to moving slow and intentionally preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow. After all, there is so very much to be thankful for. Even though we currently have no running water, our floors need to be vacuumed, the laundry is spilling over the edge of the basket, and the mud from outside is tracked all over the linoleum, I think I'll embrace the madness, admit I'm no super-Mom, and confess my need for:1. Other cool woman (like my Mom and sisters who are collaborating on this grand supper)2. Homemade eggnog to calm the spirit.3. Jesus Christ. And all His great mercy and grace!I'm wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving - whatever that means to you and however that looks for your family! Even if it's messy. You're here. And the tablescape isn't going to break ya. And Amen.


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