Easy Chocolate Mousse.

Whatever. I like chocolate. I'm not ashamed. Why should I be? Chocolate is food of the gods, man. 

Here's a list of a few of my favorite things:

1. Chocolate.

2. Cows.

3. Gardening.

4. Fresh babies.

5. Chocolate.

What? Don't judge me for putting it on there twice. 

I'm not talking about milky, fake, artificial, poo poo chocolate here. I'm talkin' about real chocolate. Nothin' nasty. Nothin' fake. High quality. As with all food, yes, quality matters. Have you ever nibbled into a high quality chocolate bar? Fu-get-about-it.

Actually, don't fu-get-about-it. Remember. That way, when you're tempted to buy that milky, fake, artificial, poo poo chocolate in the checkout line at the grocery store next time you're there, you'll be able to take a step back, reexamine your decision, and let your tastebuds be your guide. 

My tastebuds are always my guide. Well, that and my Bible. They've yet to steer me wrong.

Easy Chocolate Mousse | The Elliott Homestead

Easy Chocolate Mousse

You will need:

8 ounces high-quality chocolate bar, broken up into small bits OR 8 ounces high-quality semi-sweet chocolate chips 

4 tablespoons butter

2 cups cold cream

3 eggs whites

Pinch sea salt

Optional Garnishes: Berries, powdered sugar, walnuts, shaved chocolate, etc.


1. Combine the chocolate and butter together in a glass bowl. Set the glass bowl over a saucepan filled with water and heat the saucepan over medium heat, to indirectly melt the chocolate and butter together.

Like a redneck double boiler. Just sayin'.

2. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, whip the cold cream in a stand mixer until fluffy and stiff. Scoop the whipped cream into a larger bowl and put the egg whites into the mixing bowl. Whip the egg whites in the stand mixer, with a pinch of sea salt, until stiff peaks form.

And then, prepare yourself for the magic to happen.

3. Mix half of the melted chocolate into the bowl of whipped cream, gently (GENTLY!) folding to combine. Fold. Fold. Fold. Don't stir, or I'll surely throw kitchen utensils at you from my computer screen. Fold, people. Then, gently fold in the other half of the chocolate. Lastly, gently fold in the whipped egg whites. Keep folding until entirely combined.

Fold the mousse | The Elliott Homestead

FOLD. Hear me now.

4. Refrigerate for 1 hour to set the mousse. Garnish with fresh fruit, chopped nuts, shaved chocolate, additional whipped cream, or whatever you little heart desires.

The easiest chocolate mousse | The Elliott Homestead

On a separate note, this makes a pretty big 'ol batch of chocolate mousse. Which means that one must mentally prepare oneself for eating said chocolate mousse multiple times. Perhaps, alongside a few fried eggs with some chopped banana for breakfast? Or perhaps alongside a nice grilled cheese baguette at lunch? Or perhaps sitting all alone in the office, hiding from the fact that there are nine loads of dirty laundry, a puddle of urine on the bathroom floor, 1,491 animals that need to be fed, and an unmade bed?

Whatever the situation may be, man. You'll have enough of this mousse to comfort you for many days ahead.

And that's a chocolate mousse recipe I can get excited about!

And Amen.

For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.

Easy Chocolate Mousse

  1. Combine the chocolate and butter together in a glass bowl. Set the glass bowl over a saucepan filled with water and heat the saucepan over medium heat, to indirectly melt the chocolate and butter together.

  2. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, whip the cold cream in a stand mixer until fluffy and stiff. Scoop the whipped cream into a larger bowl and put the egg whites into the mixing bowl. Whip the egg whites in the stand mixer, with a pinch of sea salt, until stiff peaks form.

    And then, prepare yourself for the magic to happen.

  3. Mix half of the melted chocolate into the bowl of whipped cream, gently (GENTLY!) folding to combine. Fold. Fold. Fold. Don't stir, or I'll surely throw kitchen utensils at you from my computer screen. Fold, people. Then, gently fold in the other half of the chocolate. Lastly, gently fold in the whipped egg whites. Keep folding until entirely combined.

    FOLD. Hear me now.

  4. Refrigerate for 1 hour to set the mousse. Garnish with fresh fruit, chopped nuts, shaved chocolate, additional whipped cream, or whatever you little heart desires.


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