Show Me Your Baby Animals: Top 10!

Y'all made this hard. Really hard. Maybe I should've started with something easier.... like "Show Me Your Laundry Pile!" because that wouldn't have been as cute and sweet and squishy and soft and lovely.But baby animals? I feel like a monster having to turn some of them away to select my favorites! But in full disclosure, it wasn't totally my decision. The farm hand, aka: the homestud, aka: Stuart, helped me to select a few favorites of his as well. Show Me Your Baby Animals! | The Elliott HomesteadWithout further procrastinating on the matter, let's get to our Show Me Your Baby Animals: Top 10!

1. "Future Supper"

I'm sorry. I shouldn't joke about the meat rabbit baby. Let's just appreciate this sweet little kit for all it's fuzzy goodness! Future Supper | The Elliott Homestead

#2. "Shades of Brown"

Twins are so rare in cattle, which is what I'm most familiar with, so it still surprises me to see goats with so many little babies running around! I love all the different shades of brown! Shades Of Brown | The Elliott Homestead

#3. "Charlie The Steer"

Charlie is serving an important purpose on the farm, but let's not focus on that yet. Let's focus on his fuzzy sweetness and those beautiful brown eyes. Charlie, I love you.Charlie The Steer | The Elliott Homestead

#4. "Mildred The Duck"

I can't stop staring at this picture. It brings my heart joy! I have no idea what breed of duck this is, all I know is I want 74.Mildred The Duck | The Elliott Homestead

#4. "Baby And Bull Calf"

Sure, she's not really a baby, but it sounded good. And how sweet is this?! All the bulls I've know are much less squishy and cuddly.Baby and Bull Calf | The Elliott Homestead

#5. "The Lambs I Want To Steal"

WAHHHH!!! I MISS POCKET!!! Sorry. I forgot, this isn't about me, it's about these stinkin' adorable lambs!The Lambs I Want To Steal | The Elliott Homestead

#6. "Prettier Than My Pigs"

I'm not ashamed to admit it. This is prettiest, and sweetest, little pig I've ever seen! I hope it's a gilt so that she can be bred and bring lots more little cute piglets into the world! Prettier Than My Pigs | The Elliott Homestead

#7. "Let There Be Peace"

...on the farm. Baby turkeys snuggled in with a calf? Fu-get-about-it. I want to get in on that farm sandwich.Let There Be Peace | The Elliott Homestead

#8. "Spotty Ducks"

Which I'm sure is the technical breed name for these amazingly beautiful ducks! Is it just me or are there are lot of cute ducks?!? I want to sit with this crew, sip a London Fog, and contemplate life.Spotty Ducks | The Elliott Homestead

#9. "Mama Llama"

... I know, I know, it's an alpaca. But Llama rhymes with Mama and I just couldn't help myself! Look! She's nuzzling him! It reminds me of me and Will. Mama Llama | The Elliott Homestead

#10. "Duck Duck"

Sheesh. I did end up with a lot of ducks! I think my heart is subliminally convincing my brain that our farm needs baby ducks. The duck. The green grass. The stare. It's too much! Stop it cuteness!Duck Duck | The Elliott HomesteadWhat a fun showing! Thanks to all of you who entered your beautiful photos! You made choosing super fun and difficult! (For those who's photos didn't get selected, keep trying as we explore new categories together... and remember to submit your photographs in high-resolution!)Now it's YOUR TURN to decide the winner! Leave the title of the photo you'd like to see win in the comments! I'll give the voting a week before I contact the winner.Best of luck to you all! Go snuggle those baby animals for me!

UPDATE: CONGRATULATIONS TO 'LET THERE BE PEACE!' WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! I'll be sending you an email and some essential oil goodies soon! Thanks to everyone for entering and voting! 


Trimming Chicken Wings.


It's my birthday.