Slow down, Shaye.

Slow down, Shaye. Just slow the heck down. Breathe, Mama, just breath. In. Out. Breeeeeeeeeeeathe.Last week, I took my own advice, and followed through with deep, satisfying breaths. I happened to be out with my animals when I began encouraging myself. It'd be a hectic morning, after a hectic trip to Montana, and we'd come home to a hectic, messy house full of hectic, messy children. It's just this stage of life, y'all. It's all hectic. It's all messy. Like MESSY.Keeping an eye on the sheep | The Elliott HomesteadBut as I was moving from pen to pen in the barn, watering, feeding, and observing the animals, I reminded myself - breathe. This is life. It ain't going anywhere. The messy house will be messy for the next thirty years. The children will be crazy and needy forever. Submit and breathe. In my relaxed state, I began to slow down and observe the animals on a different level. Because I was standing still long enough to notice. Eleanor, the bottle lamb we raised a few years back, had a look. Just a look. Not one I could put my finger on... just a look. I called Stu over who helped me to move her into the lambing pen - just in case. A few hours later, I came out to check on Eleanor with Georgia in tow. We found Eleanor with a bag of water hanging from her backside. Time for lambs, man! Little Lamb's Birth | The Elliott HomesteadFor the next thirty minutes, we sat in Eleanor's pen and watched her easily deliver twins. Had I rushed through morning chores, I would have missed it all - her look, moving her to the pen, checking on her amongst the afternoon chaos.Brand new baby! | The Elliott HomesteadSlow down, Shaye | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Mama bonding | The Elliott HomesteadWe would've missed this moment that, as you'll hear Georgia explain, "is amazing": down, Shaye. Just slow down.Little Lamb | The Elliott HomesteadI've only got 5ish weeks left until baby arrives. These are my last few days as a Mama to 3 - I should be breathing in the rest and "normal" that I know. I should be sleeping soundly through the night and taking lots of bubble baths. I should be absolutely savoring these last few beautiful weeks when baby is in my belly and not demanding... well, you know, baby stuff. Baby Will has changed leaps and bounds these past few weeks. All of a sudden he has serious opinions and is learning how to vocally share those with us. Today, he grabbed 'Cupcake', Georgia's baby doll, and sat down to hug and kiss on her. "Baby!" he joyfully screamed at me as I passed by with the broom. My eyes welled up with tears . Hormones people. They're not messing around.Slow down, Shaye. Just slow down.Savor your husband. Savor his youthful energy and playful manner. Savor the time you get to spend with him instead of stressing what still needs to be accomplished. Kiss him more - yes, definitely more of that. Slow down, sip a latte with the man, and breath in his beautiful mind. And beard. During the 'witching hour' last night, I called my Mom at the edge of myself. The kids had been outside in the mud - which is great! - except for the fact that they needed a bath before we could even sit down for supper. It completely destroyed my freshly cleaned bathroom and newly washed bath mats. I had seven loads of folded laundry sitting on the kitchen table. The dryer knocked the proscuitto off it's top and a gallon of sea salt was strewn over my kitchen floor. A trail of dirt, mud, and hay was embedded in the floor. The sink was full of dishes. I had taken the sheets off my bed to wash them only to have a certain three-year-old hobbit take giant bites out of my foam pad and spit them all over the floor. Willy was eating crayons. And even my beloved French Cafe radio station turned on me, for some unknown reason, was blasting rave music. The 'daily grind', even without any additional work or projects, was almost unbearable. It was hairy, y'all.... and so, I slowed down. I savored my supper. I mingled with my husband and brother-in-law over a gigantic plate of pasta and I sat there. I let the chaos swirl around me. I kept telling myself to breathe.And wouldn't you know, it all passed. Kids eventually went to sleep. Many hands helped with the dishes. Stuart vacuumed up the filth of the day and I put clean sheets back on the bed. It passed - as it always, always does.Please, y'all. Remind me to breathe. Remind me that as I prepare for this fourth baby, the chaos will swirl, but it will always pass. Sip. Savor. Soak. Love.And Amen. 


I believe in farm life. And here's why.


Covering Popcorn Ceilings With Planks