A Family Health Center At Home

A Family Health Center At Home: Building Options

Great bonding can be done over poopy diapers. As I sat with Juliette at church a few days ago, I struck up conversation with a friend of mine who was changing a poopy diaper and struggling with a dang 'ol skin issue in the diaper area. And I completely understood where he was at. Weird and funky things crop up all the time as parents. All of a sudden there are bumps and blisters and redness and funky junk, man. It's sort of like being pregnant when all of a sudden you're like "Whaaaaaaat is that?!". Been there. Still there. I understand. Seeking alternatives for our childrenThis particular friend of mine is an EMT. Anything alternative is strange and uncharted territory for his trained mind. But what struck me as interesting is the fact that he was interested in essential oils because he still saw a need for them. There is a need for the family health center that can serve your family right from your home. But how do we build this 'family health center'? What does that look like? The entire time I sat there having this conversation, I was kicking myself for not bringing all my entire dōTERRA Touch Kit with me. Because they're prediluted, easy to roll on, and don't spill. They are like a sippy cup for oil users - the perfect way to start and exactly what he needed. We certainly aren't going to give our children antibiotics or steroid creams for a slight skin irritation - right? Please, society, tell me we're not going to do that! I shutter to think of the long term affects that sort of thinking can have on our children's health. I passionately want to cling to the idea that parents care about the affects these sorts of things have on their children's body, well being, and eventually - their quality of life. I want to cling to the hope that other parents out there like me are passionate about building a family health center that gives them the tools in the toolbox that they need to serve their family's health well. A Family Health Center at HomeFrankly, I bust my tail every single day on this farm to fight for this very thing. To give my children a better environment and better food to nourish their bodies and their souls. I slave over a pig carcass so that they can eat pastured pork that's beed raised, fed, and butchered well. I pay out of pocket for chiropractor care so that they can live a life well balanced and, Lord willing, free from debilitating physical pain. I've spent years acquiring them to the taste of sauerkraut, kombucha, sourdough bread, and kefir so that their guts will be plentiful in good bacteria, serving their body from a place of strength of years to come. My family health center includes lots of tools - acupuncture, castor oil packs, wet socks, prayer, essential oils, chiropractic care, diet, lifestyle - to name a few. I am an advocate for the well being of my children and their health. To wash that down the toilet because of what's easiest and what's accepted as 'normal' doesn't sit well with me. It's also most accepted to give your kids soda. But we don't do that either because, Lord help me, I've got an opinion on thatWhich we all do - I'm most certainly not unique. So take it for what it's worth: this is my opinion. If you've been a blog reader for some time, I'd hope you've come to know my purpose and my heart. I hope you know that it comes from a place of humility and thoughtful consideration. It comes from a place of wanting parents to feel like they have tools, and options, to make the best choice that they can for their children. My goal is to provide the information so that others know there are options. I trust that you're doing what you feel to be best for your family. I'm doing the same.Just like my friend. He needed to know that YES. There are oils that can certainly help you with that! Yes. And Amen.But where does someone like that begin? Someone who has been so removed from these options that the thought of using them and benefiting from them is about as foreign as reading a book in Latin and actually comprehending any of what was written. Resonate with you? The majority of people see the problem, face the problem, and then crumble from defeat and confusion before they ever even get started. Don't be the majority of people. There are options to help get this one tool in your arsenal. Like the dōTERRA Touch Kit.Your Family Health Center: Exploring options and ease.This kit comes prediluted in the optimum amount of coconut oil for easy absorption and maximum effectiveness. The oils already come in bottles easy to apply. Heck, hand them off to your children and let them roll 'em on themselves. See? Not so hard after all. Let's say your little on is having a hard time settling down for the night. You'll grab the Lavender Touch and you'll roll a bit on their chest. Let's say your little one got stung by a bee. Reach for the Melaleuca Touch and... wait for it... roll it right on the sting. Same goes for little cuts, slivers, and skin irritations. What about skin imperfections? Do your kids ever get those? Steady applications of Oregano Touch will take care of them without any harsh chemicals or expensive visits to the dermatologist. Do your kids ever have temporary respiratory stuff from licking the pig trough? (No? That's just mine?) Roll some Breathe on their chest and the bottoms of their feet to soothe their discomfort. Need to focus? Tune in to the world? Be attentive to the 'now' and actually survive the day as a mother to four children five and under? Roll Frankincense over your third eye. Don't worry... it'll benefit those worry wrinkles you're developing there as well. Going to the playground with the munchkins? (I HATE PLAYGROUNDS). If I do go, I make Stu do it and I actually don't go. But if HE goes, we'll roll the littles with OnGuard on their spines which promotes healthy immune systems. Between the oils and the kefir, it at least gives their bodies a fighting chance against the stagnant germ pool that is the playground. Growing pains? Sore muscles from soccer camp? (Ah, who am I kidding, my kids will most likely never go to soccer camp...) Sore muscles from sheep wrangling camp? Too many nights spent in an awkward position nursing the baby and now you're back is screaming? Roll Deep Blue on. And experience deep comfort. In a super deep way. Deep.Sleepy? Sloppy? Lethargic? Lazy? Temporary temperature? Bad attitudes? Roll on the peppermint, yo. And just keep on rolling. Nothing gets my kids rollin' quite like Peppermint. Nausea? Icky tummy? Poo poo problems? Too much poo? Too little poo? Roll DigestZen over their little bellies. Their poo will thank you. See what I'm saying? This kit takes away the questions. How many drops? How much dilution? Which oils do I even begin with? A Family Health Center at HomeI share this because as a parent, I know I need help with everything all the time - maybe I'm not alone in that? I share this because I realize that if I don't, parents stop realizing that there are different options available for them and their children's health. But there are. There are awesome alternatives. Alternatives that are free from nasties and side affects. Don't we owe our children the best we can give them? Isn't that why we do everything that we do? It is. And we do.And Amen. 

Purchase the dōTERRA TOUCH KIT here and

start building your family health center today.


1. Select Wholesale Prices

2. Enter your information

3. Select 'Introductory Packet' from the Most Popular Enrollment Kits (This $35 enrollment will enable you to by as many or as few oils as you'd like at wholesale prices. Trust me, you'll want it if you're using your oils with kids! They'll use 'em up.)

4. Type 'Touch' into the product search bar under 'My 1st Order Cart' and select the dōTerra Touch Kit which is $152.10. What a weird number. This kit includes a 9ml roller bottle of dōTERRA BreatheDeep BlueDigestZenFrankincense, Lavender, Melaleuca, dōTERRA On GuardOregano and Peppermint.

Signing up with the dōTERRA touch kit

5. Enter your payment information. It will cost you this much money exactly. Still less than a copay for one thing, one time. And remember, with your account, you'll get 25% off retail prices for all future purchases. As many or as few purchases as that may be - up to you.

Buying essential oils for the family health center

P.S. Email me (shaye@theelliotthomestead.com) and I'll walk you through it step-by-step, even over the phone if you want. Their sign up process is a bit outdated and can cause even the most tech savvy person to cringe. I'm here, man. 

 More of my posts on essential oils:



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