Essential Oils for Bee Stings

We're now in our sixth season of having bees at the cottage for honey production. We've grown quite fond of their presence and are very acclimated to watching them zip about through the zinnias and potager. We allow them to work. They allow us to work. It's a mutually beneficial relationship (I have, after all, planted them over an acre of flowers to enjoy). And yet, as with all relationships, there's a bit of a bite. Or sting rather. But don't worry: there are essential oils for bee stings. I was reminded this past Saturday that it was time, once again, to have my oil mixture on hand and within reach. Though bee stings aren't terribly common here on the farm (especially considering we have a few thousand of them flying about), they do happen. Mostly it's when the kids interfere with the bees drinking from the pond on a particularly hot day. But this last weekend, while we were picking up two new packages of bees to bring to the farm, we found ourselves in a little tizzy of angry bees. Juliette and I both took a sting on the eye. Owen got one on the head.What a great way to get started on Saturday morning! Coffee! Pastry! Sunshine! Bee sting. Essential Oils for Bee Stings | The Elliott HomesteadIt comes with the territory, but still, I'm always thankful to have essential oils for bee stings. Sometimes the reactions are minimal and fleeting - other times, it can cause itchy feet and hands, hives, and dizziness. I create a blend of essential oils that are designed to hit on all of those possibilities. These can certainly be applied individually but a blend is nice in the heat of the moment when you are just trying to stop the poor baby from screaming. And by 'poor baby', I mean me.Essential oils for bee stings. For kids and adults alike. Ha.

Essential Oils for Bee Stings | The Elliott Homestead

Essential Oils For Bee Stings

30 drops Roman Chamomile30 drops Lavender10 drops Vetiver10 drops BasilMix all of the oils into a roller ball and keep it on hand. Heck, keep two on hand. I use the oils directly, without diluting, since the application is targeted on one specific area.You can get the best price on these oils by purchasing them here.  These large oil bottles have enough drops in them to make ten batches of this mixture! You'll be set for a while! Or you can learn other ways to use the oils here. After I was stung, I immediately began oiling. After all, church was the next day, and I (vainly) didn't want to show up with my eye swollen shut. So I oiled. And oiled. Every fifteen minutes, I reapplied. Juliette didn't. She didn't want me to touch it. The next morning, here's how we woke up: What oils to use for bee stings | The Elliott HomesteadI guess you could say the oils worked! Not only did ease the pain, but they also prevented swelling (obviously). In other news, I basically held Juliette for two days because she was so sweet and cute with her little swollen eye. I couldn't handle it. She also made quite the impression at the Easter service. Swollen eye and all. Still (vainly) glad it wasn't me. And Amen. Elliott Homestead Family      


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