New WORKSHOPS from The Elliott Homestead.

Perhaps this makes me sound a bit older than my 36 years, but the world is moving a bit too fast for me. While watering my herb garden last week, a robin flew up and landed on the railing. He was waiting for me to move out of the way so he could make his way to the bird bath, but instead I struck up a conversation. Hello my friend.. is usually how it begins. Robins, bumblebees, and hummingbirds are my "friends" of choice in the garden - along with the cats, of course. Anyway, I'm talking to the robin about the herbs I was planting and it struck me: this is the pace of life I prefer.

The pace where you know names and faces. Where bread is broken over a table with friends, where schedules aren't too busy for hand rolling pasta, and where sitting and enjoying another glass of wine in the sunshine while walking the gardens makes absolutely sense.

It was the exact encouragement and confidence boost I needed to finally pull the trigger on an idea that started long ago.

Over the last three and a half years, we've been throwing ourselves into our Cooking Community. Over 210 recipes and 60 hours of cooking instructional videos have been added to the archives and what a blessing that has been. We've dialed in our methods, our voice in the kitchen, our mission: to inspired, encourage, and instruct the home cook.

While the Cooking Community has been a beautiful way to do this, we felt the need to progress our mission even more. Especially when each week, our inbox is flooded with questions about farm food! Many of our Cooking Community members even wanted slower, deeper, instruction.

We are so very excited to announce the arrival of The Elliott Homestead Workshops. Our workshops will be small-group, online workshops that are meant to build community, build skills in the kitchen, and inspire delicious food to be made!

Ideally, these workshops will be held once per month - we will see if my schedule is a bit too ambitious for me to handle - but I'm hopeful. Each workshop will be maxed out at 20 participants to encourage close community, ease of conversation during the workshop, and attentive instruction. A packet of information and recipes will be mailed to all participants prior to the class.

I'm very pleased (and slightly eager!) to add our first workshop onto the calendar. If this interests you, please email me: for further details.

I so look forward to "meeting" some of you in the future. And while I do hope to open our farm for workshops in the future (heck - let's go to Italy too while we're at it...) this will be a great place for us to start. At least for a few hours, the world will slow down and we can get our hands dirty in the kitchen together.

This is the good stuff in life, my friends. I hope you'll join me!

Summer Supper Party

July 6th, 2022

8:00am-12:00pm PST

ZOOM (link will be emailed prior to class)

Recipes, grocery lists, preparation lists, and details will be mailed to all participants prior to the class.

Max capacity: 20 people

Email for pricing information and further details.

Here's to what's next, my friends.


Come tour my spring cottage gardens!


Rhubarb Curd.