Should we only eat fresh food? | Winter Slaw

Today in the kitchen, I’m sharing what the food coming out of my root cellar actually looks like. The reality is these foods were pulled from the garden months ago. Hardly “fresh” by today’s standard.

For the record, I love fresh food. I still delight in drinking milk straight from the bucket or gathering up chicken eggs that are still warm from the hens.But winter food isn’t that. Winter food is sustenance and health and all that we strive for during the summer, but it isn’t really fresh, is it?Pay no mind. It’s still wonderful. And I’m going to show you something really wonderful to mix up with it.I hope you enjoy! PS: I can obviously talk about vegetables for a long time. I’m sorry for the 1,128,732 words I speak during this video. My love for food has no end.The end.


A smaller world.


Candied Christmas Nuts