June Cottage Garden Tour

Before we take a June cottage garden tour, let's remember where we began. A plastic deck with a broken hot tub, aluminum railing, and a field of crabgrass were all that surrounded our little home seven years ago. Oh - and one red rose bush that was planted by the front door. It was quite ugly, to be honest. 

We came here with young knees, wild hearts, and ambition to make it something special. My husband - a faithful Lord of the Rings fan - always dreamed of The Shire and the feeling of peace and comfort that it evokes for the hobbits. 

(I’ve never managed to read the Lord of the Rings but Stuart’s description has been enough to give me inspiration.) 

The gardens force me to work hard and move slow. This is of great benefit to a naturally anxious human soul that needs time to process and pray. Those knees, hearts, and unbridled ambition have taken the last seven years and devoted them towards creating something beautiful. Somewhere we want to be. A place where you can always discover something new - self-seeded foxglove, pond snails, bird nests. 

I take a lap each evening with a glass of wine in hand, aching elbows and a heart bursting with gratitude for what we’re able to care for. 

June cottage garden tour at The Elliott Homestead

Today, I wanted to share with you where we are this beautiful first week of June. The garden barely stays the same for a few hours, let alone a few days. Even though this is a fresh video, the lupines have since faded and the entire patch of strawberries have ripened!

I hope you enjoy our little garden tour together. And for those of you who like to move slow as well, I’ve added still photographs in here just for you. 

June Cottage garden tour at The Elliott Homestead

Cottage garden tour at The Elliott Homestead
Cottage garden tour at The Elliott Homestead
Cottage garden tour at The Elliott Homestead

Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead

Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead
Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead
Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead
Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead
Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead

Cottage Gardens at The Elliott Homestead

I hope you enjoyed our June cottage garden tour. No month is the same and that's part of what makes it all so beautiful.




Out with the old, in with the new!


A Softened Heart