A List To Simplify.

A simple life is a blessing.

Because it is so easy to get caught up in the rush and frenzy of it all, I have to make a continual conscience effort to remain focused and diligent.  Luckily, I also have a husband that keeps my responsible and on point.  Which makes me angry at times, but none-the-less, I am very thankful for it.

Now, I’m sure not going to pretend that I have it all together.  Like somehow, magically, my home is always clean, bills are always paid, spirit is always upbeat and the fridge is always stocked.  As we speak, my naked baby is rolling around on the floor getting dog hair stuck to her lil butt-cheeks…and dinner has yet to be made.  However, an organized and refreshing home is still a goal we strive for.  We desire a simple life and to have a productive, joyous home that is devoted to serving the Lord.  Here are a few things that help keep me on point:

1.       Pray together.  This is something Stuart and I constantly remind ourselves to do.  Sometimes, we get caught up in the day and before you know it, we have both headed our own ways without taking a moment to give thanks to the Lord.  And then it’s just a bad day.  Taking time to pray together gives us a chance to connect and bring our worries and concerns before the Lord.  We are able to pray for our friends, our family, our sweet baby, and also for each other.  Hearing your spouse praying for you is such a wonderful thing.  And we serve a Lord that hears our prayers, no matter how small. 

2.       Plan A Menu.  Don’t stress.  Be proactive.  Planning a menu is one of the easiest ways that I have found to simplify our nightly routine.  I don’t have to worry about what ingredients I have in the cupboards or scrownge around cookbooks for what to fix – because it’s all already planned.  This eliminates the stress, and potential resentment, that comes from “having” to fix dinner.  Instead, I have peace in knowing what will be made and when. 

3.       Small Tasks – Just Do Them!.  Don’t underestimate the small tasks that weigh heavy on you.  For example, have you been “meaning” to make a Dr. appointment and just haven’t gotten around to it?  Here is my advice: JUST DO IT!  Don’t think about it.  Don’t stress about it.  Just do it. Check it off your list.  Sometimes, I will think about a task 1,000 times before I actually do it.  Think about all the wasted mental energy!  If I would have just taken care of it when I thought about it, that small task would have remained just that.  Don’t let a small task (ie: one load of laundry that would take five minutes to throw in) become a large task (ie: seventeen loads of laundry that will take all day). 

4.       Make a checklist.  Have a busy day? Write it down.  Check it off.  This helps so much in keeping things simple.  If you are anything like me, sweeping the floor can lead to scrubbing the baseboards which leads to repainting the cupboards which leads to me being WAY too tired at the end of the day, and still a whole list of things to-do.  Checklists keep me focused.  The task is out of my brain and onto paper.  Then, all I have to do is what the checklist says.  I lack focus at moments.

5.       Give babies a bath.  It sounds silly, but giving G her bath really helps me slow down and be thankful.  She gets clean and happy.  I get to see her laugh.  We both are wondefully scented in lavender as we go about the rest of our night.  Sometimes, it just takes slowing down for a minute to get your head on straight.

6.       Have A Day Set Aside.  This one could be far more exaggerated, based on my entire S.H.E. system of planning, but the main point is this:  have a day for everything.  For example, Monday nights are my night to water plants and bake something yummy.  Tuesdays are reserved for bill paying, email returning, and desk cleaning.  Wednesdays are clean house night (just an overall clean-sweep).  Thursdays are deep clean the kitchen and plan the menu night.  Fridays are reserved for spending time with family.  Saturdays include the grocery store trip, bread making, and any errands that need to be run.  Sundays are spent relaxing, with a quick sweep through the house if it’s messy.  Point being, I don’t have to worry about cleaning the bathroom on Monday, because I know on Wednesday, it will be taken care of.  This eliminates the stress of having to figure out what to do – when it seems like there is so much!  Just make a list and delegate each task to a day. 

7. Love each other.  If you husband wants to snuggle, then stop cleaning, and snuggle.  Nothing will make a more unproductive and unhappy home than not taking time to enjoy each other.  Of all the things the Lord has blessed us with, our spouse is most important.  No home will be glorifying to the Lord if the marriage is in shambles – and I want Georgia to witness an example of a beautiful, Godly, covenant marriage.  So special attention is given to building it up in prayer, reading the Word together, spending time together, and snuggling.  I like this task. Okay people, that’s 7 off my mind…


What is a beneficial way that you have found to keep your home on track and running smoothly?  Believe it or not, I keep a journal of good advice – so let me hear it!


Sweet Friday.


Sesame Noodles.