Sweet Friday.

Guess what today is.

You guessed it. It's Friday.

Remember what I tell you every single Friday?

I LOVE FRIDAYS. Because I do.  Because it means that the next day, I get to sleep in forever.  Or at least until 6:45-7:00 when Georgia wakes up. It also means that I may get pancakes for breakfast, and I may just slather them in raspberries we harvested and froze last summer, and fresh whipped cream.  Saturday is a special breakfast morning.  It's also a two-cup-of-coffee morning. Could you possibly ask for more? 

When I was a wee lad, my Mom always had Fridays off of work.  Guess what day of the week I ALWAYS got sick on.  You guessed it.  Friday, baby.

(Shaye calls her Mom with a sad, sick, shaky voice)

Moooom, I don't feel good.  I have a temperature of 97.4.  I can't be at school.

Honey, you are fine.  Go back to class!

No, Mom!  I feel like I am going to be sick.  Really.  My stomach is cramping, like, so bad!  I'm going to be sick.  I'm going to vomit everywhere.

Honey, you are not.  You just want to be home so that you can run errands with me and get a granita at the coffee stand.

Mom, I'm dying.  I have a rare sickness and it's making me really...sick.  It's really bad.  I don't think I can make it through the afternoon because I'm going to die.

*More silence*

Fine, I'll be by to pick you up in ten minutes.

(Shaye jumps up and down in the air for joy!  IT WORKED IT WORKED IT WORKED!)

Friday's were a special day man.  Especially when you got to run errand with Mom.  Why is it that everything seems so much more special when you do it out of routine?  Because going to the grocery store isn't that fun.  But on a Friday...alone with my Mom...while skipping school?  I might as well have been riding a roller coaster.  It was a thrill.  All those poor suckers, stuck in school practicing their multiplication tables.  Bwah ha ha.

I'm pretty sure that in the course of running our errands, however, I forgot that I was supposed to be *sick*, and was scolded.  Oh well.  It was worth it.  I just had to think of a new disease to come down with before the next time I called her from school.

Love you Mom.

Things to look forward to today:

 1.  A glass of wine while watching Jamie Oliver (cooking show)
 2.  A glass of wine while watching Chuck's Day Off (cooking show).  Quit judging.
 3.  Helping Mom cook dinner.  And eating all her good snacks while I do it.
 4.  Stuart starts work late.  Which means he does the breakfast dishes today.  Booyah.
 5.  Getting to snuggle this little love bug.

 6.  Getting to snuggle this little love bug too.

 7.  Getting to snuggle this little love bug...after that.  I never run out of snuggles.

 8.  Dessert.  There is always dessert on Fridays.  My lactation needs the calories.  BACK OFF.
 9.  Getting to mix up a batch of sourdough pancake mix to enjoy on Saturday morning!  There are no rules people.  Be a rebel.
 10.  Getting to stay up late to watch the newest episode of Parks and Recreation on Hulu.  WATCH THIS. HI-LAR-I-OUS. It almost makes me wet my pants every time. And THAT'S why I don't have any friends.

I hope your Friday is full of so much laughter it makes YOU almost wet your pants!

Er...you know what I mean.


My layers crumbled.


A List To Simplify.