My cup overfloweth.

The Lord has truly overloaded us with joy, and food, this past weekend.  Not only was I able to celebrate my deliciously handsome husband's birthday, but we have enjoyed the blessing of family, friends, and fellowship all weekend long.  As my Pastor says often, "my cup overfloweth".

Here is the handsome birthday boy:

Bah, ha, ha, ha.  I love this picture.

Isn't he wonderful? 

I love getting to celebrate special occasions with him.  Especially his birthday.  This year, at his request, I made a special (scratch that: incredibly rare and special) meal of seafood paella.  If you aren't familiar with paella, it is a rice based dish that is absolutely divine.  I've never actually made it before, but after licking my plate clean, I was thankful that was Stuart's request! 

Seafood is a rarity on the homestead, as it is costly, and we are *ahem* unable to pay for costly items at certain moments.  But seafood is our happy place.  We love it.  Love.  LOVE.

You should have seen us at the seafood counter at the grocers.  We were so excited to finally purchase those delicious morsels that we walk by every week.

Umm...yes, I'll take a pound of the shrimp please.

*Giggle, giggle, giggle*

Will that be all for you, sir?, I would also like a pound of the clams please.

*Giggle, giggle, giggle*

Will that be all, sir?, we would also like some of the crab please.

*Giggle, giggle, giggle*

Take your crab and leave, sir.  You're creeping me out.

Needless-to-say, my husband was in hog-heaven.  We laughed, we cried, we ate.  Eighteen thousand calories later (after paella, salad, sourdough bread, sangria, and flan), I'm beginning to plan my spring-time workout routine.  I bet you would expect a picture of the paella to be posted on here, but alas, we attacked it with the fury of a thousand hungry wolves.  There were but a few shrimp tails left at the end of the massacre.  It was wonderful.

It was a feast worthy of gearing me up for the spring time and all the work ahead.  There are seeds to be planted.  Leaves to be racked.  Horses to ride.  Fruit to glean.  A busy time is upon us and we needed the extra calories for energy.

It's true.  Back off.

On a completely separate note:

This is what I have to deal with every day.

Isn't that just the most wonderful thing?

I'll answer that for you.  Yes, yes it is just the most wonderful thing. 

So here's the rundown of the current happenings on the homestead:

1.  It's been over 24 hours...and my belly is still full from paella.
2.  My baby is drooling like crazy.  It's awesome.
3.  My salvaged furniture from a few weeks ago is now sitting on my trashy porch.  I think it blends in nicely with the rest of the garbage.
4.  I love my husband.  Like crazy.  Especially when he requests seafood, because then I get to eat it to.  It's a win-win.
5.  I really AM going to start a spring workout.  I need to get my blood pumping.  It's stale after a long winter.
6.  Maybe I'll start it.  After I finish digesting all this food.

It was truly a happy, happy birthday weekend for my dear husband.  What a blessing it is to have good friends, a loving family, and delicious food.

I wonder what I can con him into cooking for my birthday....

Happy Monday!




Sourdough Spice Cake.