
I have two of them.

One big.  She is taller than me.

One little.  She is shorter than me.

Here they are:

Ah, yes.  A fine crew we are.  If you ever felt bad about your double chin, look what I can make mine do!  It's like playdo!  On a side note, please remember to always alter the setting to "Auto" before giving your camera to someone for pictures.  Otherwise, the shutter speed may be set far too slow for the occasion.  Hence, the blur. 

The one on the left there, that's Brynn.  She is two years older than me, but much more mature.  Here are a few facts about my eldest sibling:

1.  Her and her husband, Brandon, just bought the coolest old house.  It has glass doorknobs and a food storage cellar and arched doorways.  I know I am not supposed to covet, but I hate her for it.

2.  When she was my age, she had delivered two of her three children already.  I only have one.  She wins.  I think it'll be fun to play catch up though!

3.  If you ever need a coffee, this is the girl to call.  She was always, ahem, let me repeat, always, up for a coffee.  And yes, if you call her from work because you are desperate and tired and sickly and lonely, she will bring you the beverage of your choice.  Girlfriend saved me many times when I was pregnant.  Truly selfless, this one.

4.  She has given me 60% of my wardrobe.  Literally.

5.  As much as I train, as much as I try, as much as I push myself...I still cannot out talk her.  No one can.  She's holds the Guinness World Record.  For talking.

Now, on to the little one.  As I have previously stated about Tye, I refer to her as the "little one" because she is smaller than me.  Much smaller. 

1.  Tye and I share our two biggest fears: a) spiders and b) throwing up.  One time, when I had the flu, I was in the bathroom getting sick and looked over and saw a spider in the bathtub.  It was, literally, my worst nightmare.

2.  Tye is sarcastic.  Like, really, really sarcastic.  She's a sharp one, you gotta watch her carefully.  You think she's being nice...but is she really...

3.  There are very few things she loves more in this world than Christmas movies and holiday coffee creamers.  One of them is me.

4.  She has given me the other 40% of my wardrobe.  Again, not even exaggerating.

5.  Tye has a guinea pig named Raymond...who just may be the cutest rodent to ever live.  Except for that mouse in Ratatouille.

I put this photo in here because their faces make me laugh.  I've got to get my entertainment some how!

Need I say it? I love my seesters.  Sure, you go through moments growing up where you want to cut their Barbie's hair and tattle on them.  In fact, I remember specific moments of anger when I wanted to throw mud at them and flick them with popsicle sticks.  But that was last week, and this week is a whole new opportunity for love!

And as I have matured, I have learned to appreciate the blessing of a sister. 

Might I just encourage you married couples out there to procreate today?  For your child's sake.

So that they may have a lovely little sister, or brother, to flick with popsicle sticks.  And tattle on.  And laugh with.  And love on.  And pray with.

And that's worth more than all the cutest rodents in the world.


What is my only comfort?


My cup overfloweth.