I hiked. I whined. I conquered.

I am a hypocrite.

It's true.

While I write to you day after day about the health benefits of various foods, I fail to live up to the other 50% of the "health" equation.

1.  Eat right.

I love number one.  I hate number two.  I hate it with a passion.  And while I aspire to be a physically active and fit individual, I fail miserably.  Because it hurts.  And it makes me want to throw up.  And then I breath hard and my mouth gets dry and my muscles burn and my hearts starts thumping.  It's a rough scene. 

Despite my hatred for working-out, my husband was persistent enough to make me take part in two physically demanding activities this weekend.  I don't know, he says it's like "good for me" or something.  I played tennis AND I went for a hike AND then I collapsed onto the floor into a pile of sore muscles and goo.  Taking part in heart healthy, waist slimming, metabolism boosting, energy lifting, blood pumping activities took its tole on this out of shape, stiff, stale, post-baby body.  Which I am both angry at and thankful for.

Yes, I whined that I was no good at tennis (that's what happens when you take a two year break in between practices).  Yes, I thought I was going to die of heart failure.  Yes, my thighs burned with the passion of a raging forest fire.  Yes, I temporarily thought about vomiting once I got to the top of the hill.  Yes, I am pretty sure that people at the top of the mountain could hear my panting.  Yes, I kept asking our group to stop so that I could "take a picture" (translation: ease the burning pain in my thighs).

Lawdy, a water break.  Finallllly.  Girlfriend is dying back here.   Hey sister, share the wealth, man!!!

I'm not going to sugar coat it here people.  It was rough.  But, I survived.  I saw.  I hiked.  I cried.  I conquered.

I also wore tennis shoes, just so I could look as athletic as everyone else.  I also made my sister come.  And Jason and Aileen.  And Brett.  That way, if I fell down the mountain, there was a group large enough to rescue me.  Thanks for the support, guys.

I hope that this active streak of mine keeps up.  I want to have a healthy heart, I really do.  I just don't want to work for it - is that wrong?  Do you have super motivating, energizing tips for me to stay consistent on my work out?  What do you do to stay in shape?  Question: Does gardening count as an exercise?  How about carrying a carseat?  Or scrubbing a floor?  Oh, I sure hope so.  I could have been athletic all these years and never have even known it!

I figure that no health food in the world is going to be as beneficial as good 'ol fashioned exercise.  Gotta move those muscles, baby.

For now, however, I will take an ice bath.  And a glass of wine.  And then I'll plan the next athletic adventure. 



Making baby food.

