
Yesterday, I was unmotivated.  Instead of, well...wanting to do anything really, I just wanted to play with peanut.

Yes, I affectionately call her peanut.  Or stinky.  Those are her two nicknames.  She loves them.

Anyway, while I should have been making dinner, I was busy taking reflective mirror pictures of the clean wee one in her super soft, custom designed, handcrafted hooded towel (thanks Mr. Eck!).  She looked so fresh.  And so clean.  So fresh, and so clean, clean.  So, instead of making dinner, I sat there playing with her and snuggling her.  I think she is a perfect reason to avoid the inevitable responsibilities that I am bound to.

So, in the middle of this distraction, I had time to think about a few facts:

Fact #1: Georgia is a wonderfully, enjoyable baby.  Easy going, relaxed, and manageable (at least for the time being).

Fact #2:  I started crocheting a baby blanket for my dear pregnant friend, Kaci. 

Fact #3:  My friend Natali is also expecting, and she is the most beautiful pregnant woman ever.     

Fact #1 + Fact #2 + Fact #3 = I got the baby fever. I shan't act on it, of course, seeing as peanut is still just a wee-one.  But I just had to put it out there.

Is shan't even a word?  It sounded right in my head...but now, I'm not so sure.  Shan't?  Shan't not?  Shalln't?  I could keep going, if you like.  Coming up with new words is my second favorite way to distract myself from chores.

Therefore, instead of a productive, encouraging, inspiring post for today, you are stuck with my babble on baby making and incorrect word usage. 

I'm sure you feel smarter already.

Please be more productive with your weekend than I have been in the last 36 hours.  One of us needs to be a contributing member to society, and at the moment, it shan't be me.

Stick that word in your back pocket.  You'll never know when you'll need to whip it out.


I hiked. I whined. I conquered.


Raw Cream Cheese. & Whey.