No time, people.

No time, people.  There is just no time to write today. 

My Mother-in-law and her husband, at this very moment, are flying from Raleigh to Seattle.  They will be staying with us this next week and soaking up baby time with the wee-one.  They will also be here to celebrate Easter with us, which is such a blessing! 

However, this means something.  It means that instead of laying in my recliner, scratchin' my belly, drinking a london fog, and typing my blog post, I am actually doing things.

Like sweeping.

And mopping.

And vacuuming.

And organizing.

And scrubbing toilets.

And getting extra towels folded.

And extra bedding washed.

And planning meals.

And cleaning out my horrifically disgusting car.

That way, when my Mother-in-law comes, she won't say something like "Oh Lawdy, I can't believe I let my son marry you! You filthy animal!"

I kid, I kid.  She would never say anything like that - she is sweet as pie.  But still, when you are hosting family for a week, it's nice to have the house clean and fresh.  I even went as far as hiring something to be done at our home, which I have never ever done before.  I hired a company to come in and clean our carpets.  Oh my gosh, you guys, I felt like royalty.  I felt like a princess.  It was the most wonderful thing in the world!  And now, there are no more putrid vomit stains from our *actual* filthy animals. 

You, filthy animals, you.

Now my carpets sparkle - they glimmer - they shine.  I just want to roll around on them and smell the nice citrus scent.  I could die of happiness.


And as much as I love laying in my chair, scratchin' my belly, drinking london fogs, and typing my posts (sigh, again), I must go now.

There is laundry to put away, garbage to be taken out, and beds to make.

...And carpets to roll on.  Priorities, people.  Priorities.


Viva la Polecat!


Making baby food.