Viva la Polecat!

This Mama is goin' places.

And by going places, I mean, I'm actually going.  To a place.

That place is a local fantastic coffee shop called Cafe Mela.  Serving uniquely delicious london fogs (though not quite as tasty as the ones my handsome husband makes me), it is a local gathering center for live music and fresh roasted beans.  Delicious.

Have I previously mentioned that I love a good cup of coffee?  No?  Well then, allow me the pleasure of announcing my love to the world.

Shaye + coffee = love.

So we are going.  To that Cafe Mela place.  To drink a london fog (or a vanilla latte...the jury is still out on that decision).  Then, while we are drinking that, we are going to watch them:

Recognize that handsome redhead in the back row?  No?  Read here.

Jeremy is part of a deliciously (this is my favorite word for the day) enjoyable band called Polecat, comprised of double bassist Richard, acoustic guitarist and singer Aaron, fiddler Cayley, drummer Karl, and electrical guitarist and backup vocalist, Uncle Jerry (as I affectionately call him).  Check out their website here to learn more about them - but let me just stick a plug in for 'em...

Think Bruce Springsteen.  Meets Nickelcreek.  Meets Mumford and Sons.  Meets Spice Girls. 

Just kidding on that last one.  Stuart came up with that.

But they will make you booty shake, your boots tap, and your heart happy.  In fact, it is physically impossible to sit still while they perform.  It's like trying to defy gravity - it just ain't gunna happen.  Unless of course, you ride a rocket in to space.  But, that's not likely - so... never mind.  Just forget about that part and revel in the fact that you have some new fresh music to make you smile.

Shaye + coffee + bluegrass music = love.

Go listen to 'em on their site.  Then, come back here and let me know when you think.  If you do, I will enter you into a drawing for one million dollars!

Just kidding on that last part.  But I think you'll enjoy it!

So, as you read this, I am probably still laying in bed...the morning after...having sugar withdrawals from a 24 ounce latte....with sore thighs from wigglin' in my chair and tappin' my toes.

I suppose there's far worse places I could be.  So cheers to good friends, good coffee, and good music.



He is risen indeed!


No time, people.