
This is Brooks.

Hi Brooker-Bear!  Auntie Boo loves you so much!

Note: "Auntie Boo" is what my niece and nephews call me.  It has something to do with the little girl on Monsters, Inc. calling the giant scary monster 'Boo'...somehow it just stuck.  Perhaps I look like a giant, blue scary monster to children.  Lovely.  

Brooks is my dearest nephew and Georgia's older cousin by exactly six months - to the day!  That's why I said exactly, if you were curious.  I struggle at times with not comparing G-baby to Brooks.  Because he has two older siblings, he has been quick to do everything in order to keep up!

1.  He crawled at three weeks.
2.  He walked at two months.
3.  He eats steak, grapes, tortilla chips, and hard pieces of candy without a problem.  And he only has six teeth.

Okay, I exaggerated.  Please, do not give him small hard pieces of candy.

But he truly is an advanced little booger.  See?  He's wranglin' goats already.  And half-naked, none-the-less!  At only sixteen months, he's already a better cowboy than yours truly!

Slight exaggeration again.


This is a list of my favorite things about Brooks:
1.  His hair is, literally, almost clear because it's so blond.  He is the most precious 'lil toe-head.
2.  When he wants his diaper changed, he'll grab a clean one and go lay on the floor until someone sees him.
3.  He gives Georgia tons of love and kisses when he sees her.  He just wants to hug her so tight!  Too tight, at moments.  And we've already warned him that these "kisses" will only be cute for about six more months.  Then, it becomes illegal in most states.
4.  He only wears pants 3% of the time.
5.  I love him.

I am constantly surrounded by the most wonderful kiddos in the world.  Thank you Lord for blessing my wonderful family with blond haired, blue eyed, cousin-kissin', naked babies!  I love their poopy diapers, messy faces, and morning breath more than life!

And that is not an exaggeration.

What messy, stinky, adorable baby are YOU lovin' on at the moment?


'Ell I be. I'm a contributor!


The death of males. A rooster, in particular.