Happy Anniversary to the Homestead!

May I just point out, that last Wednesday was The Elliott Homestead's One Year Anniversary! It is so much fun to be able to look back at my first post and see how things have changed around here!  If you're dying to read my first post, you can find it HERE.  Here's another gem.  And another.  And another.  

Memowies.  Sweet memowies.

Sometimes, as I look through the archives, I cringe at the pictures...

...my how things have changed!

I wonder what my photography will look like in a year from now.  It's proven to be one of those skills that one must keep practicing.  Writing this blog has given me an excuse to finally buy that Nikon D70 I've been day dreaming about for years - what a blessing that has been.  And a mighty thanks to my husband who not only allowed me to splurge on it, but who has also been patient with me as I blindly (and sometimes full of hatred for technology) navigated Blogger-land.  He has postponed movie-watching so that I can finish uploading photos and even selflessly taken a break from homework so that I can get online and publish posts.  

I love that man.

This blog has given my an excuse to air my dirty laundry, talk about baby poo and floaties in the bathwater, all things food, parenting etiquette, and about my faith in Christ.  It has given me an organized archive of my favorite recipes and has opened up many friendships with people I probably will never meet face to face.  I've learned.  I've grown.  I've changed.  

I love this blog.  I really do.

Thank you for being my reader.  If you didn't read it, I wouldn't write it.  And then where in the world would I be?!

What will this next year bring for The Elliott Homestead?  Heck if I know.  Hopefully, it will bring a dairy cow...but it's best if one doesn't get ahead of ones self. 

And now that I've officially done nothing productive for the last hour (as I've been lost in archive land), I better go do something and at least look busy.


P.S.  Sorry I didn't post a menu today.  Priorities, people.


Time on my knees.


Project feminize progress & a new bra.