Thanksgiving and 'the double chin.'

Today, I'm going to write about what every blogger in America is going to be blogging about.


If you're, like, "So over Thanksgiving!" then I am sorry for disappointing you.  But, please, allow me the sweet pleasure of reminiscing.  Tomorrow, we shall jump head first into all the goodness of salvaged furniture, soaked whole grain crackers, and sprouted wheat....but today, it's all about Thanksgiving.  And that's just the way it is, partner.

Allow me to share a few photos, will you?

Let's start with the pre-Thanksgiving cooking.  I made a delicious orange-zest infused cranberry sauce, sweetened with rapadura and spiced with cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg.  A delicious accompaniment to turkey.

I then suckered my husband into peeling a few apples for me by bribing him with an episode of 'Monk' so I could finish off the apple pie!  

I used THIS crust recipe, which I just realize uses 200% more butter than the average pie crust recipe.  Perfect.

Once we arrived at my parents, the snacking began.  Using the last of the summer tomatoes, I whipped up some delicious bruscetta and served it on toasted baguette slices. Not bad at all, I'd say.

This little man was there.  Which made my day that much better!  And if either my niece or other nephew would stand still longer than .32 seconds, I may have been able to capture a photo of them as well.  But for now, they remain an illusion.



After snacking, Stuart, Georgia, and I took a family photo.  Which means we have approximately four photos  of the three of us.  After reviewing the photos, I also realized that I have a double chin 89% of the time.  So that was fun.


I'm not making this up!

See again?

I told you!

Need I go on and show you more?


I wonder where Georgia gets it from...perhaps I've eaten too much bruschetta...

Then me and my studly husband took a photo.  And though I can't remember what he said or did, it must've been bad enough to deserve an (extremely freaking looking) hand to the face!

But don't worry, we made up quickly...oh la la!  I can't help it.  I love him.
Please ignore my horrible nail-polish.  I am a poor excuse for a lady.

Here is my seester, Tye.  That one up there in the double chin picture?  That's my other seester, Brynn.  I love them, too.

And I'll be danged if I didn't get one single photo of the food.  Isn't that horrible?  I'm a food blogger.  I blog about food.  I love food.  I eat food. I write about food.  I dream about food.  Shame on me.  Trust me though, it was delicious.  Perhaps I was just too busy shoving my face full of buttery sweet potatoes to worry about silly things like pictures.  Let's just move on.

Thanksgiving, sweet sweet Thanksgiving.  I was able to spend the weekend enjoying fellowship and food with those I love dearest - what a blessing.  My only sadness is that all our family in Georgia/North Carolina wasn't able to be up here with us.  Dang living on different coasts of the United States!  I'm sure any of you living away from your loved ones at the moment can empathize. 


Perhaps I'll console myself with leftover pie.  Hey, a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do man. I have a double chin to maintain!  You think that's easy?  That bad boy takes work!  And I aim to succeed.

How's YOUR double-chin lookin' after Thanksgiving?


The makeup bag.


Happy Thanksgiving!