The makeup bag.

The following post and coordinating pictures take place on my bathroom floor.  Apologies, all around.

See, I have this condition.  It's a cleaning condition and it causes me to do all kinds of crazy things.  But after the chaos of this past weekend, this simple project was all I needed to cure me.

Insert: nasty makeup bag.


It's spilling over.  It's crusty.  It's stale.  It's full of garbage.  

So here's what I did, which took me all of two minutes to complete:

1.  I emptied it out.  Self-explanatory, yes?

2.  I washed out the bag with some castile soap.  If it had been in a super nasty condition, I would have gone and bought a cute new one.  But even though this 'ol bag is six years old, I still love it.  

3.  I separated the makeup into three piles: keep, store for emergencies (ie: running out!), and garbage.

4.  I used a baby wipe to scrub all the "keep" makeup clean.

5.  I put it back into the bag.

Voila.  It's clean, it's sparkling, it's wonderful!  Did I mention it zips closed now?

Why, oh why, do simple projects like this make me so happy?!  Every time I look at this bag tucked into it's little place on the bathroom counter, I smile.  Maybe it's that cleaning disorder rising up inside of me.

Cleanin' out the 'ol makeup bag also made me realize that I need a new lipstick shade for winter.  Maybe something like this:

Do you think it will have the same affect of my hair is blond and my face is different?

Let's hope so.

I also am going to save up for a new makeup brush, because we all know how nasty those bad boys can get after many-a-use.  I've washed mine a few times, but they've gotten to where they just don't wash up well anymore.  I think it's time.  They are six years old as well.  That's disgusting.

What?  Are you surprised that a make-at-home-junkie-free-of-nasties girl like me wears makeup?  Well, tough.  Because I do...and it's my friend.  But if you haven't met my all-natural mineral makeup, let me introduce you:

BareMinerals, this is my reader.  Reader, this is my BareMinerals.  It's super easy to "buff" on because it's just a powder.  I do a general sweep across the 'ol face, then using a smaller brush, use the same powder as a concealer under my eyes.  After that it's a small sweep of "Warmth" BareMinerals blush across the cheek bones...

...and I am a new woman!

At $30 a container, it seems rather expensive.  But each container lasts me about 6 months, so I say it's totally worth it.  Not to mention, it's free of any sort of chemicals or fragrances. Used with my castile soap face wash and homemade face cream, it's the perfect topping to my natural skin routine.

All that to say, perhaps today would be a good day for you to clean out your makeup bag as well.  Add a new eyeshadow or lipgloss and you'll be, like, so prepared for winter.

At least cosmetically speaking.

The end.


The world has stopped.


Thanksgiving and 'the double chin.'